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Old PICs (Japan and UK)

Pen Hing: Any idea?
原帖由 suewong 於 2010-12-22 16:29 發表

thanks for sharing.

知唔知UK 邊度 ?


回復 5# 的帖子

Yeah! but which part is hard to tell, it looks in the 60s'.


回復 7# 的帖子

Pen Hing: The photo you mentioned looks like the underground sign, red circle with blue dash in middle. It should be in London, but was 50 to 60 years ago, may be the MI5 retired agent can tell?


回復 9# 的帖子

Yeah! Great.


回復 11# 的帖子

You too! Pen Hing, Thanks for your effort and make the picture clear. Merry X'mas and Happy New Year to friends of this forum.:  


回復 11# 的帖子

Pen Hing: I suddenly remember the old building with a sign "Bovril" beef extract which was very famous in Hong Kong. Most local cafe provide as "Beef Tea" for many years but disappeared after 90's. I have seen similar London pictures with this sign in 80's look.


回復 14# 的帖子

Pen Hing: You are right, it was quite awful in taste but may be at that time people need nutrition rather than taste. I recently heard some people use a spoonful in making "ngau lam".:  


回復 16# 的帖子

I think so. one was my friend told me some mothes ago and I also overheard in a bus while crossing the harbor. A man told his "for kee" go to buy one bottle of Bovril and add some onto the "ngau lam". He said it is a must for flavoring it. But I never tried too, would you?


回復 18# 的帖子

Pen Hing: Thanks for your advice, I have been there in the 90's same decade as you were staying in the UK. It seems someone living there for over 6 months can not make blood donation, is that true?


回復 25# 的帖子

Pen Hing: Probably we already have antibody to the mad cow disease. Like influenza could kill a huge number of them.


回復 27# 的帖子

Yes! Thanks Pen Hing.


回復 27# 的帖子

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst?


回復 35# 的帖子



回復 39# 的帖子

Pen Hing: Yes! they call Gerald street as 猪乸街. also local Chinese call 大狗 and not Trafalgar square. 大狗 is easier pronounce than 大獅 and of course 唔老黎 in Cantonese. By the way, do you think the old photo Bovril sign was in 大狗?


回復 40# 的帖子

Sorry Gerrard street 猪乸街;


回復 42# 的帖子

Yes! You are absolutely right: 爵祿 for them are quite hard to tell, so 猪乸 is quite easy to tell and remember especially for those who do not speak English immigrants.


回復 45# 的帖子

Pen Hing: Your should spend a lot when return from London city, by the way, there was a small cafe near 唐人街's HSBC, operated by Chinese. The drinks were very cheap, a cup of milk tea at 50p.


回復 47# 的帖子

No problem. It just a small world and I am sure we should have met in 1996 but not yet known each other at that time. But I have a feeling we may meet in 1996 in Chinatown, like it's name almost 90% black hair people there. I made many friend there too no matter what their nationality. Chinatown is a must to go for something they miss in UK. Like you go for Chinese groceries or VCDs or VHS tapes? There's no DVD in 90s. I had been that area and like go every places there. You never have enough time to spend, although the IRA was quite active at the time I stayed.


Pen Hing: I believed that we must have metand probably sat next table, it is quite a strange feeling when talking back tothe 90’s. Yes! VCD was only the interim of those two formats. It was only popularin China and Hong Kong. Nowadays the IRA stopped sabotage in London and peacewith his English brother.  I had stayed two parts of England, LondonRussell Square and Hampshire, at that time I got involved a project of image recognitionsoftware development and marketing with a MOD contractor in Southhampton, itwas my business with the contractor.


回復 51# 的帖子

Dear Pen Hing: Yes! you are right with very good memory, Russell Square at that time was quite expensive. There are many hotels and residence flats and my accommodation was included in the project, no worry. The house price was quite low in 1996, many friends there suggest me to buy, they were right since by now it is almost 3 folds or more. You should know it well, it looked earned a lot but actually also invested so much, happily gained some years income. The security measure was very tight, because it involved with their government although the year was before 1997, everything you mentioned was performed openly and secretly. I still have 7-8 years to retire that was planned unless anything changed. Since on line is a must so I can surf Internet anytime I like. No problem at all! Cheers!




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