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原帖由 軍師 於 2006-8-16 02:59 PM 發表
現在那些人一窩蜂的跑去唸會計,遲幾年會計行業從業員的供應量一定會大增,工資一定會下降,當中能出類拔萃做到 CFO 的人又會有幾多呢?前途?這一行一定不會餓死人,不過以為唸會計一定會前程似錦未免太天真了。
供應量上上落落,會自然調節既,最重要係equip 自己,等待機會來臨。



相關搜索目錄: 會計


原帖由 Tummy 於 2006-8-16 09:53 PM 發表

Congratulation first, your hard work finally paid off
Would u mind share what special skills u offer to make u the position today?
congratulations??? that was twelve years ago wor.

special skills I offer - between you and me (and don't tell my boss), NONE that I can think of.


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-19 05:28 AM 發表

重要 upgrade ... ! 考下專業試 la, 係就係辛苦D. 不過投資在自己身上, 點都係值得 !

加油 ...  


[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2006-8-19 08:09 AM 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 投資


原帖由 軍師 於 2006-8-19 10:05 AM 發表

一年都只係考二次炸喎,佢點係一年內考三次啊? 我諗你果friend 梗係 exempt 咗 10張paper,如果唔係冇可能一年考晒。
點解唔得?我地分section I, II, III, IV, V.  可以两section 一齊考。今年六月考Section I & II, 十二月考Sec III & IV, 明年六月考 Sec V. 頭尾一年零幾日。

嗰陣最多exempt 4 科 (HKU Bachelor, major in accounting).

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-20 06:17 AM 發表

Mountain 兄,

所有打工仔甚至打工皇帝, 都係要做ge啦 ! 或者有時人地做ge洇A睇唔見.

現在的環境, 有份工比冇工做好好多. 當然, 有得選擇就更加好. 如果現職是accounting又希望自我提升, 可以讀讀書 ...
雖然而家D人做audit 朝九晚十,冇哂私人時間,但往好處想,你地而家學緊野喎,而家你可以用三年時間學到五年既野,係咪都有得益呢。

不過我都唔明D firm要攪到D staff 咁。我地個簡單audit佢都收我十幾萬,又無deadline, 派兩個靚落黎要一個禮拜搞掂。我D staff 十一點走佢地都唔肯走,想我地留低大門匙俾佢地,俾我第二日媽义佢。我話錢你地收足,我又唔趕,點觧你要幫我做個 rush job?


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-20 07:17 AM 發表

我都有同感 . 過去幾年舊公司都係用PWC, 佢班友真係好搏, 晚睌八九點都唔願走.  

PWC的partners就正哂 la, 有D咁搏的伙記. 不過有時又可能係D staff 搏表現 .

我地俾完十幾皮都冇service,重有兩星期tax deadline 佢老味 D partner 上星期重make 緊comment, 重propose緊audit adjustment, 份F/S重做到錯X哂,我通常唔理份statutory accounts, 以我咁隨便既人都隨手揾到錯野,而家都八月啦,咁點解你要D staff 喺五月趕乜先?


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-20 08:48 AM 發表

Dejavu 兄,

有時表面看到的事, 可能後面又有另外一個故事. 我提議你跟上司說說, 然後再採取適當的行動.點都只是公事, 就按公司規矩去辦事,無謂太personal.  

我巳經對美國講咗我一定會換Auditor,除非listing rule有問題(不過佢地巳經話無),否則一切由我决定。

我唔理佢後面乜野事,我係client,我有expectation, and You have been warned.  You can't give me the same treatment year after year even I said I didn't like it.  你咪以為係 ultimate holding company 欽點我就唔可以轉你先得架。可能佢當我地香港係細client,所以唔care。


原帖由 njdragon 於 2006-8-20 09:23 AM 發表
i am an accountant too, haha
currently cpa member

Based in Nanjing???


原帖由 njdragon 於 2006-8-20 09:23 AM 發表
i am an accountant too, haha
currently cpa member
有冇用過佢個 lounge.  好似好靚咁喎。


原帖由 winforum 於 2006-8-20 11:31 AM 發表
Dear all,

There are so many firms all around the world. There should be some staff to handle accounting works or bookkeeping. So, it is sure there are many job oppournities in accounting field.  ...
Using the same logic, the same can be said about Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Administration, ......

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 Tummy 於 2006-8-20 10:18 AM 發表

It seems they haven't offered a reasonable services and overcharged your company  
They might think we have deep pockets.  

The service really sucks.


原帖由 CHANGMAO 於 2006-8-21 03:08 AM 發表



原帖由 wander 於 2006-8-24 12:48 PM 發表

Hello Mr. Taurus,

I'm new here but I'd be grateful if experts like you can give me advice.

I've been a sales co-ordinator in a Japanese company for 5 years. During
these 5 years I've a ...
I have been out of the touch with the system - Paper 3.X, does that mean you are closing in on qualifying??  If so, I think despite at the age of 28, you might still have a chance to join the Chartered Accountants firm.  I might make an inquiry at EY to see what their position is.  Just curious, why would anyone take ACCA instead of the ICPA these days?  They have been treated like dirts by ICPA lately.

You did write impeccable English, succintly and well organized.  I hope you speak just as good.  It would work to your advantage as I believe few of their new intakes could write anywhere near as good.

Don't know about the salary level, but the $6,000 brother Taurus mentioned above kinda surprised me.   I thought the big-4 now pays well over $10,000 and the 2nd tier shouldn't be that far behind.  But my advice is, as long as you can survive at the low wage, you should invest in your future by joining the audit firm.  It will pay off soon.


原帖由 wander 於 2006-8-24 11:53 PM 發表

Thank you for brother Taurus and brother dejavu2003 's advice.

I'll start my job hunting and I hope to update my latest situation to you soon.

BTW, I joined ACCA in April 2004. I heard  ...
You started in April 2004 and now you are on the verge of qualifying.  You must be very smart and/or dedicated.  It might reinforce the view that people with good command of English have a higher chance of breezing through the professional exam.  It took me bloody 6 years.  

Going back to your concern, I can't believe an ACCA can't find a job as an audit trainee despite the age "handicap".  I have yet to find out the firm's position but i will do that promptly.


原帖由 wander 於 2006-9-18 06:41 AM 發表
Hello everyone,

I have got a post of audit trainee at a small local firm and I'll start working on 22nd September.

I hope that I can share more about the job with you later.
Congratulations.   Welcome to the profession.

I am sure you will do very well.


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-9-20 04:23 AM 發表

Sure, Moderator,

There are always persons at the top and at the bottom of each industrial sector. There are different roles in the society to be taken by different classes of citizens.

W ...
very well said.  This is a professional forum to share ideas and people should be expected to uphold a high standard consistent with their profession.   This is no place for anyone to brag about how well off they are - as most accountants should be relatively well off, including myself and you.   What one considers himself well paid, 1) is of no interest to nobody, 2) is only his own personal perception, and other people might chuckle to death over it.  Believe me, I came across someone in the timway forum who, without saying a word how well off/paid he is, actually owns a five star hotel.   That is what I called well paid.  Fellow accountants/former colleagues I mingle with, are either well off enough to retire comfortably in thier 40's or early 50's, or if they are working, are making some $3 million p.a.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-9-21 01:07 AM 發表

Not bragging - just FACTS!  
of course in your little silo, you genuinely think you are well paid, for what others might chuckle to death.




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