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[原創] 现在是什么教育

Anyway!!  Tks ur words and I know you all just wanna tell a truth here, thought Meme's not kinda person with bad-hearted, on the other way, maybe what I say, we met for each other by misunderstanding, but now we both find the way to sort out the problem for child, I can say....she's a gd mother like me, You know what....I'm feelin' great being the one in xocat, and met alot person who's weird, I don't mind they leave their opinion opposite me.  In a heart of matter, no parents dislike their kids.  
Hey! Mark+Gor, thks ur message and just keep in touch here!!

Bye then!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


今日天氣真係好熱, 很少機會進入這個聊天室了, 因為小朋友一放暑假, 做家長的都會花好多時間去注意小孩的假期活動. 首先, 係呢度要恭喜Kathy先, 要結婚了, (你在下面已經寫左要結婚的嘛!! ) 恭喜你!!  祝你白頭偕老, 永結同心.  最近忙碌著新學年的分班安排, 十分辛苦.  須則自己都是教師, 但暑假都要為分班而忙碌, 實在有點兒那過. 作為做教師的, 平日功課已忙碌了, 我暑假總想陪兒子多一點時間......所以, 盡量將暑期班減少, (通常一星期兩天, 其餘就給他做他喜歡的課外活動. 有一位家長所說, "兒子考試全級考20多名, 對小朋友來說已不俗了, 而我發現問題本身是小朋友對自己要求高, 我不太認識你, 但可以話對小朋友除了教導他們知識外, 一些生活細節, 價值觀也同樣重要, 要知道, 成績並不代表一切........學習態度, 人際關係等亦同樣重要!! 所以, 多些了解子女心裡所想的, 更為緊要. meme

相關搜索目錄: 結婚 功課


原帖由 meme1980 於 2007-7-19 21:13 發表
今日天氣真係好熱, 很少機會進入這個聊天室了, 因為小朋友一放暑假, 做家長的都會花好多時間去注意小孩的假期活動. 首先, 係呢度要恭喜Kathy先, 要結婚了, (你在下面已經寫左要結婚的嘛!! ) 恭喜你!!  祝你白頭偕 ...
If all the parents treat their kid just like you do, there will be no problem children / students. Having communication between kids and their parents is the most critical factor affecting their growing up. An informal survey to some teenager about what tis the most important message they want to bring to their parents, surprisingly, over 50% of that say they want to have meals and talk with their parent during the meals. In today's world, it's not uncommon that kids cannot meet their parent even once a week because their parents need to work till so late in the evening. By the time they arrive home, their kids have already gone to bed.

Meme, it is no doubt that you are a hard working teacher and a good mother. I want to point out that a good teacher, besides hard working, should also care the students, commuicate with them effectively just like you care you kid. Not many people can change a person's value and attitude, but a good teacher can do it. Apologise if I intrude your intrinsic value, however, this forum is a place of exchanging opinion. Hope can discuss with you further.

[ 本帖最後由 mark+gor 於 2007-7-19 22:45 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 結婚


原帖由 kathywonder 於 2007-7-19 19:55 發表
Anyway!!  Tks ur words and I know you all just wanna tell a truth here, thought Meme's not kinda person with bad-hearted, on the other way, maybe what I say, we met for each other by misunderstandi ...
Nice to meet you here and congratulations.
Bringing up a kid is not easy, especially for your case of a single mother. Also, love to here that your kid gets on well with your 'husband'. I think he can share some of the hardship of you.

I think one of the problems with today's children is, they grow up in a protective environment. How do you tackle this as his mother? Ordinary people can throw out many ideas to this question. But, they won't know unless they become a kid's parent.


原帖由 mark+gor 於 2007-7-19 22:51 發表

Nice to meet you here and congratulations.
Bringing up a kid is not easy, especially for your case of a single mother. Also, love to here that your kid gets on well with your 'husband'. I think  ...
Hi! think you name Mark, right!? So call you Mark; Mark, I grew up in a full-house family with parents and my sis. The day I divorced to my ex-husband's not what I expected for, touch wood sayin', whoelse wanna get seperate, right!? Unfortunately, it happened on me but I know that it's hard to get over it, but I got no way to go. I just remember what my parents said:"What the parents do and the child'll take the copy on." I even thoght get crackin' in work quite often, I'd take more than 2 hrs aday for informal talk to my son, such as what you did in school, don't you make any new friends there, etc.......We had a house helper at hm, but she just helps him what he can't do.  Sometimes when I read a magazine related fashion, he'll give me some idea in weird.  I don't mind to hit his little hand once, since he made a mistake, at least I have to let him know what's wrong he did and he won't do it twice!!  I'm not kinda perfect mum, but Kathy inherits what her parents did.  So, Mark, Meme's the religious one and I totallly understand her situation is, frankly she mailed me couple times to share what problems she has.  Moreover, I did never think less of myself, that's why I keep think positive all the times. At last, if you have something you wanna ask for, related kid of course, just drop me lines here and we can talk!!

Must go now and love ur day!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


又到 Sunday Morning 今天盡興盡情 !


I like oral sex, I like cunnilingus!!!


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