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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-5 14:36 發表
YES cum brother!!  You mentioned @* which should be MCOT.  But I read some threads saying that her service standard is deteriorating, isn't it?  She looks very wild in the pic of the website!!:appl ...
Frankly speaking, her service and skill are above average. Maybe she is too experienced that sometimes, it has the feeling of "Hong" goods. But I still rank her to be on the top list.




美哉鴨仔, 海联首選,
身裁標準, 技術峰巔;
外型狂野, 曲发披肩;
十足走肥, 膚色健康;
吸手小籠, 惹人慾念;
樣貌姣好, 齒白紅唇;
一綫宝隙, 芳草淒淒;
鮮鮑味美, 生猛新鮮;
津如甘露; 味道甚甜。
少時夢伴, 如今出現!

妙哉鴨仔, 以客為尊!
活潑可愛; 態度為先,
浴室艷舞, 水中吹簫;
口技非凡, 着着搶先;
青蜒点水, 天外飛仙;
東莞絕技, 活現眼前;
狂騎胯下, 深深淺淺;
氣喘標汗, 滛態萬千;
潮吹亦至, 平添肉緊;
面泛紅光, 我見尤憐!

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 15:08 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 14:49 發表
What a poet!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 15:00 發表

What a poet!
難登大雅之堂, 望能拋磚引玉!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 15:00 發表

What a poet!
Thanks....... you have to read in conjunction with my report in English to get the whole picture.......


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 15:22 發表
Thanks....... you have to read in conjunction with my report in English to get the whole picture.......
Read every word already! Cheers.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 16:42 發表

Read every word already! Cheers.
I think she is YCOT if you don't mind her skin is a bit too dark!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 16:49 發表
I think she is YCOT if you don't mind her skin is a bit too dark!
I am sure you did thorough examination and QC for me!


回復 #15 doctork 的帖子

thanks for sharing


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 16:50 發表

I am sure you did thorough examination and QC for me!
I know your criteria for good girls too well........... adn duckie should score at lest 85%!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-8 08:40 發表
I know your criteria for good girls too well........... adn duckie should score at lest 85%!
Maybe close to 99%?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-8 09:35 發表

Maybe close to 99%?
So when will yo go there for a trial .... my schedule is this Friday!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-9 08:11 發表
So when will yo go there for a trial .... my schedule is this Friday!
Let me check and revert. Is it afternoon?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-9 09:07 發表

Let me check and revert. Is it afternoon?
Yes........ both Thursday and Friday afternoon will be fine for me........


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-9 13:44 發表
Yes........ both Thursday and Friday afternoon will be fine for me........
Will let u know as soon as I can!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-9 14:05 發表

Will let u know as soon as I can!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 10:45 發表
I had an excellent 2-hr period with Duckie yesterday afternoon...............

Before I went there, I learned that Doggie (whom I originally wanted to pass to my friend) was on M leave. But at th ...
Icheng609 C Hing,

I have not been to HL for a while and from your threads i can see that there must have been a lot of changes. Can you tell about how many MM there no. There used to be only around 10 on duty and the quality so so.

Da Hai


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-10-9 17:25 發表

Icheng609 C Hing,

I have not been to HL for a while and from your threads i can see that there must have been a lot of changes. Can you tell about how many MM there no. There used to be only ...
The numbers of MM available depends on the time you go there. I think the timeslot with more girls should be aroung 4 to 6 pm, when the early and mid shifts girls are together.

I am just new to HL and do not know what it used to be. But I at least I can find SOME girls edible and the service is to my satisfaction at reasonable cost. That is why I post so many information here........


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-10 08:19 發表

The numbers of MM available depends on the time you go there. I think the timeslot with more girls should be aroung 4 to 6 pm, when the early and mid shifts girls are together.

I am just new ...
Dear Brother icheng609,

I used to go during the Hubiao era, 版主 Penisular knows, more than 6 months ago, i think. At that time, a new one, belong to the same owern, called Ming S near the Lai Chi park also opened. Some MM were transferred from Hk and fewer customers went to HL and the quality dropped drastically. Then I stopped going.

I met quite a few MM there actually and one is still in touch with me, she used to be a trainer also.

I wrote a story about 人妻 before and she is another MM I met at Ming S. having been staying with me for some time.

I think the quality of MM now must have improved now as so much mentioned by you guys. I think I will go try again later.


I want to say also i went quite frequently during that time. And for one day I went there in the afternoon and stayed till late and had ordered three seesions, 3 MM...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-10-10 16:12 發表

Dear Brother icheng609,

I used to go during the Hubiao era, 版主 Penisular knows, more than 6 months ago, i think. At that time, a new one, belong to the same owern, called Ming S near the L ...
原來是前輩, 失敬!

其实我的資歷尚淺, 正在向各大大学習呢!

不過, 据我所見所試, HL 的囡囡是可供起筷的。 合不合口味, 則因人而異!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-10-10 16:12 發表
I used to go during the Hubiao era, 版主 Penisular knows, more than 6 months ago, i think. At that time, a new one, belong to the same owern, called Ming S near the L ...
Welcome back! When will you go to HL?


It will be great to have Bros Pen + Haidada together to venture in HL........ Let me join in the party.


Today is the B-day forthe lovely Duckie.......... and the good time to give her a little surprise...........


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-12 10:32 發表
Today is the B-day forthe lovely Duckie.......... and the good time to give her a little surprise...........
Rely on you la!




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