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good report~ many tks~~

do u have tel. no. for another part of China??? thanks in advance~~


有新女!! 樣幾正, 18歲, 168cm, 身材高瘦有波, dup得又幾認真, 摸摸揸揸冇詐型, 呢個既agent係圓圓, 巴打自己搵食啦~


原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-12-7 18:13 發表
有新女!! 樣幾正, 18歲, 168cm, 身材高瘦有波, dup得又幾認真, 摸摸揸揸冇詐型, 呢個既agent係圓圓, 巴打自己搵食啦~
Dear 老江湖 ,

I am going on a business trip to Shanghai next week, and  I would be grateful if you could PM me the contact number of this agent, 圓圓, or even better, this BG.






上星期在上海, 找了安安幫手玩了幾天, 試了幾個技師, 在這裡真的要多謝安安的悉心安排

1. 羅羅 - 可愛形, 按摩一般, 有少少詐形話用油或粉的話不要碰她, 其他ok.
2. 思祺 - 外表順眼, 按摩, 腎療也有不錯表現, 值得一試.
3. 果果 - 外表不錯, 按摩也不錯, 但...腎療表現....一個字爛....(在這暫時不想多說, 總之就不知所謂)...

跟果果按摩, 其間發生了一些不愉快的小插曲, 幸得安安悉力排解, 終獲得很好服務, 在這要再一次多謝安安, 她真是一個很交帶的服務員.


強力推薦! 紅牌技師回來了!! 本人試過幾次, 漂亮身材好服務認真態度親切, 本人極為滿意, 可惜她湖南家中有事, 請了幾個月的假, 讓我這幾個月在上海少了位老相好照顧; 現在這位豆豆回來繼續服務, 佳音啊!!!! 月底去上海再續前緣~    哪位師兄有興趣可以找小夢安排!


good report!!!!!!



我跟老江湖c hing,打電話去,二十多分鐘有女生到達酒店,服務真不錯.讚讚.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


回復 #156 老江湖 的帖子

Brother - thanks for the info. Could u please share with us how this 豆豆 is much better than other BGs mentioned before?


Hi Brothers, I am going to Shanghai next week. Any brother can pm me the number of this call out service or other exciting service pls? Tonls of thanks



Hi Brothers, I will go to Shanghai this week and stay in Pudong. Can any brother PM me the call out service number? Any other information is appreciated. tons of thanks


原帖由 antivirus 於 2007-12-10 18:06 發表
Brother - thanks for the info. Could u please share with us how this 豆豆 is much better than other BGs mentioned before?
she's really great! feel it by urself~


just a hand servcie,what a pity,all


原帖由 pwash03 於 2007-12-11 01:21 發表
just a hand servcie,what a pity,all
might proceed full set, depends. totally 7~800.




我人就在上海 楼主可否帮我介绍一下 ?


real good

it's more safe than directly on the spot


could you let us know more about the quality of the gals for the "full course" #...any good ones you have tried?


Just got back from Shanghai on a business trip.  A Big THANK YOU to 老江湖兄 for his wonderful recommendation on out-call massage services.

I called the agent for 豆豆 when I landed Pudong and got a call from this agent back when I arrived at the hotel counter.  She told me that since my hotel is a bit far off (actually near the Shanghai Train station), she wanted 150 taxi fare.  I was just busy with the registration and just yes, before realising that it was too much.  But then too late

But when I opened the door for  豆豆, I did not regret at all.  She is really VERY pretty.  Big round eyes and tall and good body figure (she was fully dressed all the time though !)  Just when she started the massage, she told me that I should have bargained with the agent on the taxi fare as she thought it was rip off.  I then kept silent for a while just because I was tired.  But what was funny was  豆豆 seemed to think I was upset about the fare and she seemed to be very concerned that she might have ruined my night.  I told her no need to apologise and it was not that at all.  It was cute for her to behave like that.  Massage skill was so so, but she tries !  

Because she was so sensitive and caring and lovely to talk to , I booked her for the second night, but for dinner only.  As it was raining outside, I decided to stay inside the hotel and suggested buffet.  She delcined that and we went for Chinese.  What surprised me was that she only ordered the dim sum and a fish congee, though I could see she was really hungry.  In that, I thought she is not like others who will try to treat you like a "goat drum" !  That again impressed me.  It was a very pleasant evening and lovely way to spend with her.

However, I understand from her that she is only a temporary staff in Shanghgai.  She has a regular job in other province and is in SHanghai for some quick cash so that her parents can spend in the coming Chinese NEw Year festival, another sad mainland bone girl story.  Her bone skill is only so so, but she tries.  She will probably leave before CNY, anyone who likes to book her should be fast , but please treat her like a lady !

The third day I called 安安 for 思棋 .  She could have been a pretty girl had I not met  豆豆  the previous nights !  She is a 7, compared to a 9 for 豆豆  !  But 思棋  is very professional in massage and good, she is also kind and gentle and talkative.  Again, thanks to  老江湖


my pleasure, pal! will explore more for c hings who like this kind of services~


回復 #169 UrbanEagle 的帖子

绝對同意C Hing 對豆豆的評價, 也要多謝老江湖的推介.

知道她不是長駐上海有點可惜, 不知道下次去上海會否遇上.

但我對思琪的評價有點不同, 她比較cool, 少溝通如沒共同話題, 常看電視而且主動轉台(豆豆可是主動把燈光較暗形做氣氛), 整体我比6如和豆豆比較.


原帖由 clac 於 2007-12-15 16:09 發表
绝對同意C Hing 對豆豆的評價, 也要多謝老江湖的推介.

知道她不是長駐上海有點可惜, 不知道下次去上海會否遇上.

但我對思琪的評價有點不同, 她比較cool, 少溝通如沒共同話題, 常看電視而 ...
Yes, I suppose the girls can be moody sometime.  I had a wonderful chat with 思琪 that night just about every subject we could come up with.  I guess that was one of her jolly nights while you met one of her moody night  !

One more thing about  豆豆 that made me think she is a sweet girl.  I asked her if she would get a higher share of income if I called her direct, she said yes, but much prefers me to call the agent 小夢 as the agent gets something for each appointment and 豆豆 thinks  小夢 really needs that income


Last week I went to Shanghai again and called Anan for the compensation she promised last time.

And I am glad that she do remember my complain last time and has arranged a new gal to serve me. Be honest, that new gal is not a very beautiful gal but is nice and providing really good service. And they did keep the promise and charged me a 20% off plus no need to pay for taxi.

At the end, the gal really give me a good service and I decided to add another 2 hours, plus giving her some extra tips. Although I still pay about 500 at total, but I do feel good this time as everything is well agreed and I have got a real GOOD service. (details not disclosed la)

Sometimes, one just not really care about paying 300 or 400, but at least those gal need to make us feel worthwhile for the service ma!
  • JM168 體力 +10 我很贊同 2007-12-17 16:11
  • JM168 威望 +10 我很贊同 2007-12-17 16:11


"Sometimes, one just not really care about paying 300 or 400, but at least those gal need to make us feel worthwhile for the service ma! "

Totally agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


good, thx for sharing!

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