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同志們~今天~~ “精” 英同盟會 ! 正式成立啦 !!!

icheng... that's the hardest part...

My friend had an experience... after a trip in SN... be requested to do the homework with the tiger... he could still handle... but afterward... his tiger challenge him the density of the liquid is so low (it mean... very clear not that white)

My friend just claims that he is so tired (but dam... tired will decrease the hardest but won't reduce the density... poor lie) his tiger just black face until my friend buy her a ring 5 days later

It is my suggestion to ask him to buy some gift... but it is not a good suggestion as it is similar to admit that he really go to steal eat... haha

One more point - clear all the SMS in your phone, especially those advertising SMS after roaming... it will expose where you have been...


回復 #176 Retav 的帖子

That's why I said, use another mobile phone for having fun in China, and never ever bring this phone back home!


回復 #176 Retav 的帖子

Well, I have another suggestion to icheng's point.  Once you've went home, take some Panadol (no harm if you have nothing wrong), say that you have severe headache after a busy day and immediate go inside your room and take nap!  Then you can be excused from entertaining your tigress!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-16 11:02 發表
That's why I said, use another mobile phone for having fun in China, and never ever bring this phone back home!
........and if the same phone is used, remember to delete all SN related massage/call history before leaving China.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-16 11:04 發表
Well, I have another suggestion to icheng's point.  Once you've went home, take some Panadol (no harm if you have nothing wrong), say that you have severe headache after a busy day and immediate go ...
That is what I usually do...............


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-4-16 11:06 發表
........and if the same phone is used, remember to delete all SN related massage/call history before leaving China.
I do use different phones, i always carry four phones ...and actually I need five and I need to switch one card..

相關搜索目錄: Switch


Hi Buddy ~~!!
Morning to everyone !

Wish Matt Matt good luck today for his trip !
Thanks def_lo for the great list (he did my job...thanks... I am really busy...)

As mentioned by 老太監...this is really really a good point !!!
the density of the liquid (sperm), is really a problem...
I suggest those having a tigress at home... after "steal jump", just pretend to be sick...(or feel tired...uncomfortable...whatever you like...just escape from ML ...)
and sleep earlier on that night...
because even an idiot knows what happen with such a low density liquid...
and it is really hard to get off of it... how to explain ?? hit aeroplane alone in the office ???
not possible la..... right ?


For me... I use some other method to store those number... and with password locked...

And in order to reduce the chance of homework... I actually will ask to go for an outdoor sport with my tiger... yes... definitely really super exhausted... but then... really no homework la... haha


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-16 11:09 發表
For me... I use some other method to store those number... and with password locked...

And in order to reduce the chance of homework... I actually will ask to go for an outdoor sport with my ti ...
Excellent..........! Invite her for some gym exercise in the club house! If she refuses, then you go alone. Then you can be excused from not doing homework!

相關搜索目錄: Gym


This is really a good place here to share our experience ...

Brothers and everyone ~~~!!!
It is my honour to discuss with all of you !
As you guys are so creative and helpful !!
Most important... you are willing to share !


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-4-16 11:12 發表

Excellent..........! Invite her for some gym exercise in the club house! If she refuses, then you go alone. Then you can be excused from not doing homework!
Gym is also a good training to improve your overall ability... !!!
so that you can breath better ~~~ and of course... hold longer !!
yeah !!

相關搜索目錄: Gym


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-16 11:14 發表
This is really a good place here to share our experience ...

Brothers and everyone ~~~!!!
It is my honour to discuss with all of you !
As you guys are so creative and helpful !!
Most importan ...
What about the number of your 小妖精?!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-4-16 11:16 發表

What about the number of your 小妖精?!
[size=-3]terms and conditions:
[size=-3](小妖精 no. 除外...)


回復 #181 Haidada 的帖子

大海哥, you look like a mobile sales more than a guy seeking fun in China!!


回復 #188 jetspermman 的帖子

超, 你有本事就叫菲菲唔好爆比我地聽, 到時我地嚴刑逼供睇佢講唔講!!


回復 #183 Retav 的帖子

But you must be very strong! Doing exercise in SN in day time and doing another exercise with your tigress in the evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-4-16 11:06 發表

........and if the same phone is used, remember to delete all SN related massage/call history before leaving China.
Depends on the brand of mobile. Like Moto, will lost everything and remove the battery. SE will keep with SIM, (I'm using SE, so I use difference SIM) Nokia will keep everything even change SIM or battery. You must familiar your mobile's function much that your tiger. That 's my point.

Another point about homework, my opinon is: don't use dum dum with tiger, then she's hard to check how many you shoot.


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-4-16 11:08 發表

I do use different phones, i always carry four phones ...and actually I need five and I need to switch one card..
there is now the dual card phone by Samsung, 888 sold at 2,500!   Check it out.. you could reduce your phone to 2!!

相關搜索目錄: Switch


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-4-16 12:16 發表

there is now the dual card phone by Samsung, 888 sold at 2,500!   Check it out.. you could reduce your phone to 2!!
The mobile phone I am using..........! It is really convenient and user friendly.


I just teach the SN girl to use the SE 550 yesterday. They just know SMS & listen to music. Many other functions that they don't know, I taught her how to edit picture with the DJ program bundle with SE. She love it very much and sent her photo to me.


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-4-16 14:36 發表
I just teach the SN girl to use the SE 550 yesterday. They just know SMS & listen to music. Many other functions that they don't know, I taught her how to edit picture with the DJ program bundl ...
Will you share her photos with us?


原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-16 10:49 發表
打個招呼又要 going to SZ today~~ Good bye class! See U tomorrow!
Matt Matt有心有力又有水


回復 #196 icheng609 的帖子

咪玩啲咁嘢啦, 呢度咁多無間道!! 當面見到嘅時間再分享啦!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-16 14:48 發表
咪玩啲咁嘢啦, 呢度咁多無間道!! 當面見到嘅時間再分享啦!!
有道理! 一於咁話!


今日無人吹水既 ??
def_lo 真係上左去呀 ??




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