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撘棚信息 之 姐妹情深

原帖由 doubleOO 於 2008-4-30 13:36 發表
Oh yeah, Bro 7 Siu,  Trust me if you use it expertly, the MM will just love it and you save a lot foreplay energy. You will get them all wet and high in no time. Enjoy it man!!!
doubleOO, agree with you. However, please also watch out that the girl may enjoy it so much that she needs it everytime!!  and thinks it more important than the real ML session...  


回復 #26 denny2000 的帖子

Really? Any experience to share?


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原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-2 10:31 發表
” 但三個女子咁樣對你﹐ 你自己也要想想為什麼嘍 “

七少 -
真的, 七少, 你諗下3囡一男3 條女都肯咁樣對你, 你估佢地想要什麼, 係人都有嫉妒忌心的, 你真係要想想, 不過相信以七少的老練經驗,會識得處理的了!!!!!!!!!


小心佢地串通騙你呀7 siu~ 各brothers 知道你很高明, 但古語有云:"小心駛得萬年船", 係有道理的, 祝7 siu玩得開心啊!




半夢半醒圖醉中,看長一段時間,主要是要看清楚那三條女之底牌是什麼。除非七少是大手筆之人,否則市場上很難找到這些貨。當然在任何K場都可以找2,3,4飛,但是三件私房菜共亨一夫,加上振盪器等性具等等,這樣都肯算是球迷奇遇記了,希望是happy ending吧,暫時也是的 …


以我之愚見﹐三位夫人D短信對話表面上恭恭敬敬﹐但內裡好似有D笑裡藏刀。O SHIT﹗可能系我多心﹐就當我無講過喇。


Back from Hotspring trip with 3-some

I had a perfect 100% enjoyable hotspring trip with my 2 girls in Ying Tak Hotspring.

The 3-some was perfectly interactive and co-operative. When I was kissing 1 of them , the other one would kiss her nipples, fonding her cunt. even seduce her with the vibrator.

It was so enjoyable and sorry that the 5 day happy trip ends so soon !


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-5 14:39 發表
I had a perfect 100% enjoyable hotspring trip with my 2 girls in Ying Tak Hotspring.

The 3-some was perfectly interactive and co-operative. When I was kissing 1 of them , the other one would kis ...
Congrat....   5 days 4 nights... Imagine you did the 3P 2 times a day, then 4 x 2 x 2 = 16 times in 5 days!!  


No 3 P during the last day. As we were too tired after hotspring. I only had 1 shot with no. 2 during the last night in Ying Tak. and 2 shot for No. 4 last night and this morning. I had so many love bites in my sholder and chest.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-5 15:14 發表
No 3 P during the last day. As we were too tired after hotspring. I only had 1 shot with no. 2 during the last night in Ying Tak. and 2 shot for No. 4 last night and this morning. I had so many lov ...
7-siu, the blood pumped to your "special" organ must still be there as I am confused with your numerics.  To add up, you had 3 shots last night!! how about the previous nights?  In fact, it is not important.. quality is more important than quantity and you might have spent the first few nights building hte relationships for the exciting 3P!  

Congrat. again for your once-in-a-lifetime experience..  Even "julio iglesias" may not have the same experience as yours although this guy claimed to have slept with 3,000 women..   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio_Iglesias#Personal_life)  


7-siu, just wonder if the girls kissing each other. I meant wet kiss. If so, that is really really a wonderful world.


七少, 真係好芝羨慕你啊, 可以3個私家菜共侍一夫, 但我都真係要remind你想想她們為什麼會甘心三個女人共分一個老公, 不過我諗你這老手一定冇問題的, 下次去廠記得pm我,


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2008-5-5 17:52 發表
7-siu, just wonder if the girls kissing each other. I meant wet kiss. If so, that is really really a wonderful world.
Yes, they do have wet kisses, and applied the vibrators to each other while I was busy serving one of them.


原帖由 ying8585 於 2008-5-5 18:38 發表
七少, 真係好芝羨慕你啊, 可以3個私家菜共侍一夫, 但我都真係要remind你想想她們為什麼會甘心三個女人共分一個老公, 不過我諗你這老手一定冇問題的, 下次去廠記得pm我,:butwi ...
I am not worry that this is a trap, as my no. 2 had been with me for 12 years. She used to be my no. 4 10 years ago, then as the other faded out, she promoted to no. 2.

She is a secretary and I only have to subsidy her around $1,000 a month. However, she was the one I paid her University study cost , and her brother's University cost.  They are both U grad now for a few ears already.

My No. 2 is the 1 who taught No. 4 to be open and caring about No. 4, during the week before, so that they are very friendly, and they live together in the same flat and same bed now.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2008-5-6 08:45 編輯 ]


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-6 02:40 發表

I am not worry that this is a trap, as my no. 2 had been with me for 12 years. She used to be my no. 4 10 years ago, then as the other faded out, she promoted to no. 2.

She is a secretary ...
Oh, in that case, your #2 is close to 30 and you are still with her...  7-siu, you are so 长情.. and helpful...


回復 #40 7-siu 的帖子

7-siu, sure you are a master. Wet kiss between two girls in China is very difficutl to find. Unless they really enjoy the current sex situation, they won't do that. Man, you guys must having a lot of funs. THat is what we call a true 3P!


回復 #42 denny2000 的帖子

Denny C Hing, my point of view, age does really matter as long as the good is still in good shape and you are still have kind of feeling to her. As the matter of fact, a mature lady can be more open and also guide the young girl to perform much better and wilder during 3P. More fun.


回復 #41 7-siu 的帖子

7-siu, you raise her switching cost to a very high level. Of course, you are really helping her to equip herself. I do believe that is the way to handle this kinds of case. I am trying the same thing in this moment. I truly believe they won't stay with you for life long. Something they need to go. But if they are equiped by you, there will be less trouble when it is time to break out. Wise move.


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2008-5-6 10:54 發表
7-siu, you raise her switching cost to a very high level. Of course, you are really helping her to equip herself. I do believe that is the way to handle this kinds of case. I am trying the same thi ...
Yes, thank you brother.

I introduced her to SZ University as at that time I was the replacement/visiting Professor at the SZ University. Taking this advantage, even her University admission mark did not meet the requirement. Nonetheless, she studied very hard to raise her level and finally graduated.

She is 29 now. She started with me at the age of 17, not quite 18. She was raped twice because of her big breast. 38D at that time. However, she is very slim now, luckily, she is still 有前有後 now.

As she is 29 now, her sexual desire become very strong now. She enjoys making love and know how to teach my No. 4 how to please me and open up her mind to accept NEW positions. It is just like an experience trainer in saunna teaching a trainee. Expecially, my No. 4 is not a trainee. She loss her virinity in late 2006. She knows how to enjoy sex already.


回復 #46 7-siu 的帖子

Wah, seems we have a very high education level brothers around.

I am now in an affair with one of my colleague. Actually, she works for me. She is in early 20. Although only graduated from high school, she is a very brilliant girl. We now are kind of lover but haven't have sex yet. I don't rush for that because I am enjoying the feeling now. Because we are colleague, I now I am in trouble already. And once we go to bed which I believe will happen soon, the trouble will be even bigger.

Besides lover, I really want to help her to become a better person in terms of here overall level. So I encourage her to study English, teaching her a lot of skill ( not sex skill yet) so she can find a better job later.

She is not working in a factory which I believe is not a long term plan for her. Maybe it is not a long term plan for me as well. But I believe she will leave me sooner or later. I believe if she have better opportunity outside, the separation will be easlier for both. It is a selfish here I know. Both good for both of us.

She is 有前有後, at least 36D as well.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-6 11:50 發表

Yes, thank you brother.

I introduced her to SZ University as at that time I was the replacement/visiting Professor at the SZ University. Taking this advantage, even her University admission  ...
7-siu.  You have disclosed so many details.  Hope it would not be lead back to your 2-nai and 4-nai...

As a Chinese myth says, women of 30's are "wolf-tiger time".  Enjoy the less than perfect body, which is compensated by the more intense desire and and the more experienced ML skillset.


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2008-5-6 12:31 發表
I am now in an affair with one of my colleague. Actually, she works for me. She is in early 20. Although only graduated from high  ...
Encourage her to leave the current job for a better one and then it will be more convenient for you to have anything further.

Do not need to think of separation first since you have not started.  You teach her English skills, etc will be good to her as well as yourself since you will have more common topics to talk about since you are not yet "buying" for her love...  Enjoy the process...  and hope you could do your due diligence on the 36D...


回復 #49 denny2000 的帖子

I can't really say we haven't started year because in my case, mental is more danger than physical consider I am a married man. And kissing is involved. And I won't say 100% no buying because I did give her $$ to buy something. But I do enjoy the process and look forward to have some fun on 36D.....




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