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[®á®³¯D«Ç] íô²ï¤ôÀø (Windsor Spa)


¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¬õ°s


¬O§_¦³ºwÄú, ·Î¥Öµ¥, ¦b 7.01.11ÀY±ø°Æ¥Z, ¤º¨£¨ì.....


®v¥S¡G¦b¤UÉN®û¬û¦n­@, ¥»¦~¥¼¶}ÂN, ·Q揾CXX.........


­ì©«¥Ñ SPA·R¤W¦o ©ó 2011-1-8 23:19 µoªí
¬O§_¦³ºwÄú, ·Î¥Öµ¥, ¦b 7.01.11ÀY±ø°Æ¥Z, ¤º¨£¨ì.....
¨º­Ó«Ü·d³¥, §Ú¤]¦³¬Ý¨ì.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


Eva ¤U©P¤@¦Ü¤T¥ð®§.


¤J³õ°Ý吓, ·í§½¦³ÉN±oºw¥ý, ©ÎªÌ¦³©O, ºw¦¶¥j¤O..........


new BG XX at night shift!
heard that she is a Former Chinese Medicine Practician
any c-hing interested to try?


Title :½Ð¦¬¤@¦¬Àħa:  This title has been locked.
I have watched the sauna section since joined.  I started reading Sauna section since Icered.com.  After reading recently, I like to express a few my own feelings. For BG numbers, I personally PM whitekitty for it. But he did not give to me. I have to find out myself. Nowadays, I think it is not good to mention the service given by BG. You go to HJ places, you get HJ. You go to Vegi, you get vegi.  In a vegi sauna , what extra sevices you can get depend on your relationship with the BG. She likes you, she will even ML with you in a HOTEL room on call..


For Brother Whitekitty, I don't think he is a gentleman nor an  asshole. He is a man of bias and he likes his own way.  But what is wrong?  Everyone has his own style.  Like this forum, he likes to keep it active, then let it be. Everyone wants to join in your own way , you can join. But please don't screw up. The purpose of this forum is to let everyone to share his experience and to express his own opinion. And this Sauna is to let ladies and gentleman to have relaxation rather need to go to SZ of China.


What I suggest is we need to tell everyone our own real experience encountered.  This is what a forum for.  As to the number of BG.  why not just tell in 1xx  3xx, 6xx, 8xx.  The first digit is the last digit of the BG mentioned.  If brothers want to know who , they have to try out because they do not know what is the second nor the third digit which is x .  We should not endanger their career nor their interity .  And we should not spoil our fun too. But any BG if they do anything good or bad, why be afraid to be known.


Thank you for reading this shit.    And thank you for your patience.


®v¥S¡G³o°Q½×°Ï¤ÓÀR, ¦b¨S¦³¼Æ¦r,

¥u¦³¥N¸¹, ¦³¨S¦³Å¥¨£, ¦³·s§Þ®vªð¤u¡H¡H
¬O¤é°µ咗­Ó§Þ®v, ¤j­Ó¤k¶W¼Ð·Ç


­ì©«¥Ñ SPA·R¤W¦o ©ó 2011-1-9 23:12 µoªí

yes c-hing, will PM u the number.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


­ì©«¥Ñ Oilking ©ó 2011-1-10 00:32 µoªí

yes c-hing, will PM u the number.
Another one coming up this week.


³ü¶g¦~, 30¤Ñ¤º, ¤¤¶q¯Å¼W­È, °e°¦¤j¤û¤ñ§A.....


©ú¤é6 ±øAAAAAA, ¹ï¸¹¤J®yªº§Þ®v,
¥²·|¨«¦h´X¦^, ¹w³Æ¥´¹q¸Ü....


­ì©«¥Ñ SPA·R¤W¦o ©ó 2011-1-10 07:47 µoªí
©ú¤é6 ±øAAAAAA, ¹ï¸¹¤J®yªº§Þ®v,
¥²·|¨«¦h´X¦^, ¹w³Æ¥´¹q¸Ü....
Ching, I've still not tried this shop yet.  Bec I know this place is vy crowded....am I right? Could u suggest me which nos of bgs are younger/gd serv in Part2

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


­ì©«¥Ñ LTF_123 ©ó 2011-1-10 09:04 µoªí

Ching, I've still not tried this shop yet.  Bec I know this place is vy crowded....am I right? Could u suggest me which nos of bgs are younger
Sorry, we will NEVER   reveal, let alone discuss any bg no here.


­ì©«¥Ñ LTF_123 ©ó 2011-1-10 09:04 µoªí

Ching, I've still not tried this shop yet.  Bec I know this place is vy crowded....am I right? Could u suggest me which nos of bgs are younger/gd serv in Part2
did u read the msg all c-hings posted???They already posted over 80 pages but u still ask which nos .....


­ì©«¥Ñ hahadad ©ó 2011-1-9 15:42 µoªí
I started reading Sauna section since Icered.com.  After reading recently, I like to express a few my own feelings. For BG numbers, I personally PM whitekitty for it. But he did not give to me. I have to find out myself.
In the days of old icered (the old version, not even the new version) in 2002,
I wrote one or two threads there too.

Back more than 10 years ago, when local sauna reports started to appear, I read
them up on the old bss of man169 and icered. I patiently read through all reports and info and noted what suited me. I did so all single-handedly by carefuly tracing threads, without ever sending PM or asking others in private.
Many years ago, apart from getting info from sauna personnel, I also did exhaustive Internet searches. I took great pains.
In the old version of xocat, in 2003, I even integrated info from various sources (other
forums) and displayed it on the sauna board.

In other words, in the past I have done a lot (that incidentally helped many members)
but I was hardly reliant on others, not because of any omniscience on my part, but because of my independent character. But of course I like to share on an equal basis.

So if this time (as opposed to the case with me years ago) if I do not help you by
summarising info for you like bg numbers, I don't see why you can't  patiently trace through
a thread, however long it has got. When I realy like to find out info from a thread I am not familiar with, I dig into it myself. With a preliminary harvest, I may then ask others familiar with the thread/place for further info. I don't expect them to repeat what is already shown in the thread.


do u know what's the nature of this shop???  Very - Asshole - and Stupid


­ì©«¥Ñ fitman ©ó 2011-1-10 10:49 µoªí
do u know what's the nature of this shop???  Very - Asshole - and Stupid
fitman¥S, ¤£¥Î¿E°Ê§a.

¨ä¹ê±øthread ªø, ´Nºâ­@©Ê¥ÑÀYtrace ¸¨¥h, ³£¥¼¥²Ä±¦³­Y¤z¦­
´Á¸ê®Æ¤w¹L´Á«á¨Ó³Qsuperseded, ¦pbg number ¨«¥ª·s¨Óbg
¦ý¬O§Úfed  up´N¬O¦³¤H¥u·Q¨Ó§äquick fix,
±q¨Ó¤£‹è¦b¨ä¥¦ÃD¤Wµo ý, ­ø¦n¸Ü«Y³ø§i, µo ý¤U·N¨£³£¤£·|
¨ä¹ê¦³¨£¶}Á¿³¥, ª¾¹D­Ó¤HstyleÂI, ¤H¦a´N·|¸û«H¥ô

¦ý¬Oabsolute CDROMs ­Ì,  §Ú­Y­Ú¸ê®Æ§A­Ì
§Ú­øª¾¹D§A¦a¥h¨ì³õ·|ÂI, ÂI¹ïbg.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2011-1-10 11:09 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2011-1-10 11:06 µoªí

fitman¥S, ¤£¥Î¿E°Ê§a.

¨ä¹ê±øthread ªø, ´Nºâ­@©Ê¥ÑÀYtrace ¸¨¥h, ³£¥¼¥²Ä±¦³­Y¤z¦­
´Á¸ê®Æ¤w¹L´Á«á¨Ó³Qsuperseded, ¦pbg number ¨«¥ª·s¨Óbg
¦ý¬O§Úfed  up´N¬O¦³¤H¥u·Q¨Ó§äquick  ...
Wasting the efford of all c-hings   ma..


­ì©«¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2011-1-10 11:06 µoªí

fitman¥S, ¤£¥Î¿E°Ê§a.

¨ä¹ê±øthread ªø, ´Nºâ­@©Ê¥ÑÀYtrace ¸¨¥h, ³£¥¼¥²Ä±¦³­Y¤z¦­
´Á¸ê®Æ¤w¹L´Á«á¨Ó³Qsuperseded, ¦pbg number ¨«¥ª·s¨Óbg
¦ý¬O§Úfed  up´N¬O¦³¤H¥u·Q¨Ó§äquick  ...
maybe my question is stupid , but I just wanna update lor


­ì©«¥Ñ LTF_123 ©ó 2011-1-10 16:03 µoªí

maybe my question is stupid , but I just wanna update lor




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