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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)


回復 5199# oilking 的帖子

oilking 兄會唔會係要找些深夜 02:00 後的技師 ?  



原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2012-4-13 22:08 發表
幸運周五 , 見新面孔在大堂
呢排好似大堂公關轉又轉..............  好多時都見到休息侍應出來幫手。

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2012-4-13 22:46 發表 oilking 兄會唔會係要找些深夜 02:00 後的技師 ?   之前講幾個都太早了。
c-hing , u r so smart!!!


原帖由 Oilking 於 2012-4-13 23:59 發表

c-hing , u r so smart!!!


Hi, brothers,

Any difference between BG before or after  02.00 ?



查証 夜間都有新公關 加入


原帖由 hahadad 於 2012-4-15 11:57 發表
Hi, brothers,

Any difference between BG before or after  02.00 ?

After 02:00 many of the BGs grow beards and sharp teeth.  But, fortunately for those BGs, most of the customers at those hours couldn't tell the difference.


I really want to try in there. I think the price should be cheaper than CWB.


原帖由 C9massage 於 2012-4-16 00:14 發表
I really want to try in there. I think the price should be cheaper than CWB.


The business is getting tough... BGs told me that there are a number of new game rules

Increased to 5x to 7x booking orders each months
Those booking order must be by phone.. otherswise the booking order doesn't count..  Thats craxy


原帖由 danny_partner 於 2012-4-18 19:55 發表 The business is getting tough... BGs told me that there are a number of new game rulesIncreased to 5x to 7x booking orders each monthsThose booking order must be by phone.. otherswise the bookin ...
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 danny_partner 於 2012-4-18 19:55 發表
The business is getting tough... BGs told me that there are a number of new game rules

Increased to 5x to 7x booking orders each months
Those booking order must be by phone.. otherswise the bookin ...
Windsor always had minimum hour booking rules for the girls, but for a long time never enforced it.  Perhaps now they want to look for excuses to get rid of the less popular girls??

I know management had a group meeting with the girls a little over a month ago to tell them they now had to come to work on time.  Should they continue to clock in late, they'd have to stay on call to make up for the time they were supposed to be on shift.  In other words, if they come to work an hour late, they'd have to stay an hour longer before they could leave to go home.

相關搜索目錄: Make up


唉, too many girls, too few customers. Pressure, and more pressure.

As I mentioned before, Windsor has been hiring more girls to get ready for the new space on the 2nd floor.  Hopefully, when that space opens, supply (bgs) and demand (customers) will be in better balance.  Until that time, though, it is tough for the growing crowd of bgs to make their hours, and their income.  

For Windsor management to put the screws on the girls to drum up more customers in advance of opening up the new space is a bit harsh.  The number of current massage rooms remains fixed, and thus the number of possible customers served at a given time remains fixed.  Cutting up that fixed pie among more girls and then demanding that the girls increase their share of the pie cannot yield good results for either management or the girls.  Though many more customers may benefit from the increase in sexual services many more girls will feel compelled to provide in order to increase their share of the fixed pie, I, as a long-time customer, would not welcome such an outcome.  

Windsor, even before the latest pressure from management, is already a discreet airport guised up as a veggie palace.  This is fine for those that like that service (nod, nod, wink, wink); and for those that prefer straight veggie.  What I can say about Windsor is that, up until recently, most of the girls could actually provide a very good massage whatever your service perferences were.  That seems to be changing.

Many of the new girls I've tried don't have the massage skills to survive in a veggie environment.  And many of these girls make it clear that VAS is on the menu for the first visit.  Windsor is fast becoming a non-discreet airport.  And I think management knows this, if not indeed is encouraging this transition.  I have heard from bgs coming from 維港 that Windsor PR has asked those former 維港 bgs to "'take care' of this old Windsor customer" (nod, nod, wink, wink) before the customer enters the room.

I have seen transitions like this happen before: veggie to airport; airport to FS.  The result is that many good bgs will end up leaving because (1) it wasn't what they originally signed up for, (2) they lose control over which customers they are willing to serve, and (3) they cannot (and do not want to) compete with newer bgs who are willing to provide a greater array of sexual services, often for less money (tips).  For those of us who still like a good skillful massage irregardless of VAS, we will certainly lose out in the end.  Just look at 維港 as an example; there are very few good capable bgs working there now; most customers go there strictly for the airport+ experience now.

If Windsor management reads this thread (and I know some in management occasionally do), please hear my plea to keep the standards at Windsor closer to veggie status.  That means to reduce pressure on the girls to generate more bookings from customers, at least until the new space opens.

And when the new space opens, management must try to keep the supply of bgs in line with the number of customers.  Too many bgs, too few customers, yields a bad sauna in the end.

Brothers, what do you think?

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-4-19 13:25 編輯 ]


I think the BG provide VAS to customer is one of the easiest way to make them visit more frequently. But in the other end, customer is easy to get bored and want to get a new BG to provide VAS. At the end of the day, the BG is still can't keep the customer to book her! That's a bad cycle and the BG will be the biggest loser!
Personally, I would like to keep visit the same BG because of their dup skill which suit me. It takes quite a while for me to look for the right BG who can dup me comfortably. I don't mean other BG dup skill is not good but just not suit me! The most important thing, everytime I visit Windsor, my prime objective is dup but not VAS. If I want VAS or FS, I'll go to King's where can fulfill my need and it's cheaper, happy too! Understand some bro like to go to a place can provide all the service, but i don't think Windsor is the right place.
One interesting thing, King's has 2 type of BG - pure dup BG and non pure dup BG. I found the pure dup BG actually their skill is very good, even better than some BG in Windors. It's just the overall decoration in King's is much lower than Windsor. People keep saying King's is expensive but I don't agree with that. For 2 sections of pure dup + 1 section FS, the damage is around $1100 all inclusive. If I go to Windsors, 2 sections of dup already cost around $700-800 (included tips). $300-400 more can get FS too in King's which is very good price!
This is only my opinion, no offense!
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 多謝分享 2012-4-19 14:12
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 多謝分享 2012-4-19 14:12
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +20 多謝分享 2012-4-19 14:12
生命無Take 2!


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-4-19 12:20 發表
As I mentioned before, Windsor has been hiring more girls to get ready for the new space on the 2nd floor.  Hopefully, when that space opens, supply (bgs) and demand (customers) will be in better bala ...
One of the things the management did recently was to make a rule that all lights must be on in the room - meaning the spot lights under the light trough ... but they changed these light bulbs to very dim LED lights - which really defeats the purpose !

On the present discussion, the Windsor management have been hiring many new girls and yet increased the number of 'mark' clients they must achieve in 1 month (for the special hour girls it went from 50 to 70 which is a 40% increase) !!!
To me their intention is pretty clear - they want to get rid off the old girls and want to install 'fresh blood' - only the most popular old girls are able to stay because they have enough repeat clients. New girls, like you say, needs to do anything they can to achieve this quota - which means anything to please their client !

Its a real pitty, Windsor (new and old) have always managed to pretty much maintain some standard in the girls they hire and the level of the massage they give to the client ... unfortunately they are moving towards what they think is what the market wants ... and more unfortunately, its us clients who cherish a good massage more then anything else will loose out !  

The only think I can think off is to give the good massage girls enough business so they are able to remain in business !


I'm in a reporting mood today ... the marks I give is based from 1 to 10 (1 being lowest and 10 being highest)

Number :  108

Face: 7  Pleasant face with great smile

Body: 7  Small frame

Overall Appearance: 8

Skill: 9  Very good massage, knows pressure points well, knows how to massage well

Strength : 8  strong for her size, strong compared with other girls in Windsor

Chemistry: 9  good chemistry, very pleasant, perky and happy personality, she knows when to talk to you and when not to

Recommendation: 8

Repeat (for me):  10

I know I will get the usual question about VAS - all I can say is I am more interested in getting a good / great massage ! (I hope you get my drift)

[ 本帖最後由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-19 14:39 編輯 ]
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 多謝分享 2012-4-19 16:15
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 多謝分享 2012-4-19 16:15
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +20 多謝分享 2012-4-19 16:15


原帖由 安全 於 2012-4-19 14:08 發表
I think the BG provide VAS to customer is one of the easiest way to make them visit more frequently. But in the other end, customer is easy to get bored and want to get a new BG to provide VAS. At the ...
What you say here about customers moving on to other BGs is quite accurate, and many of the senior BGs know this (by senior, I mean girls that have been working at Windsor longer).  They tell me that Windsor customers have changed a lot over the past 1-1.5 years.  熟客越來越少了. Customers in general have become much more 花心, pressuring for VAS during their first visit, tipping as little as possible, and then changing to other BGs much more readily.  So some girls have resorted to asking for large tips to make the customer either put up or go away.  But these girls know in the end that, if more and more customers are no longer looking for skilled massage, they really have no future at Windsor, especially in light of more younger, more willing girls getting hired.  So we will certainly see more senior girls leaving if the present environment continues on its present course.

Personally, I do not want to see Windsor management lowering its standards to cater towards the lowest common denominator market.  But maybe I'm not the customer that Windsor wants anymore.  Although I visit often and tip well, in the end the girl gets most of my tip, so perhaps Windsor doesn't really care about me or customers like me.  What Windsor may be looking for now is greater customer churn (turnover) and hourly billing, which goes more directly into their pocket.  If more total hours can be booked for the company by hiring more girls to be on call, then the company may be happy with this arrangement.  But this makes it harder for girls to find new customers, which mostly occur from new walk-in customers being randomly assigned to waiting girls.  With so many girls waiting, there just aren't enough new customers to go around.  Then to expect the girls to have more and more customers book them by phone, well, this just isn't realistic.

I can only promise Windsor management that if all my girls leave, then I'll leave too.


I think one of my replies was just deleted ... the one asking about where Kings is located

did I break any rules or asking something like this is not allowed ???


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-19 15:45 發表 I think one of my replies was just deleted ... the one asking about where Kings is locateddid I break any rules or asking something like this is not allowed ???
I saw that post of yours too.
No idea why it disappeared.
You can simply repost it.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 安全 於 2012-4-19 14:08 發表
I think the BG provide VAS to customer is one of the easiest way to make them visit more frequently. But in the other end, customer is easy to get bored and want to get a new BG to provide VAS. At the ...
quick question ... where is King's ?
is it in North Point about 1 block away from Windsor ?


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-19 16:13 發表 quick question ... where is King's ? is it in North Point about 1 block away from Windsor ?
I presume that 安全兄 was referring to that joint .
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


回復 5220# 的帖子

Yes, you are correct!
生命無Take 2!


原帖由 安全 於 2012-4-19 17:55 發表
Yes, you are correct!
I thought King's price at $1.1K  was for 1 session massage and 1 session FS ... or has that changed recently ?


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