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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

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原帖由 carmanlam8888 於 2012-4-20 08:07 發表
even my girl friend asked me what happened to Windsor
she also goes to Windsor but I think the BG (for ladies) has told her the changes
she asked me not to purchase the coupon once I finish all of t ...
Wow! Now we even have Carmanlam's girlfriend reporting on Windsor!!  

I also have two female friends who, as customers, heard the same thing from their bgs at Windsor.  


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原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-19 14:12 發表

Its a real pitty, Windsor (new and old) have always managed to pretty much maintain some standard in the girls they hire and the level of the massage they give to the client ...
Yes, this is what is really going out the window now.  Windsor doesn't seem interested in maintaining a minimum quality standard of massage for it customers anymore.  To say it again, many of the new girls I've tried don't have the massage skills to survive in a pure veggie environment.


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原帖由 dssdsdwsdw 於 2012-4-20 12:34 發表

These are very important things to consider when you are face down looking through a hole into dark space!!  


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-4-20 12:42 發表

These are very important things to consider when you are face down looking through a hole into dark space!!  

true ... but men will always be men ... sometimes, we think with another part of our body rather then our head !


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-20 15:49 發表

true ... but men will always be men ... sometimes, we think with another part of our body rather then our head !
Or, perhaps more accurately, men are two-headed creatures!  


請問查牌點样先算密, 例如每月3次, 5次, 7次 ?


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原帖由 dssdsdwsdw 於 2012-4-21 09:12 發表
暫時我未遇過在 Windsor 查牌。



憶苦思甜 那個黃昏 忽然起孖

做咗煙壹啤 伊人與可人

初會伊人 細心關懷

再遇可人 更加安穩

[ 本帖最後由 SPA愛上她 於 2012-4-21 17:04 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA


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原帖由 carmanlam8888 於 2012-4-23 08:02 發表
that's true
the other night with some female customers sitting on the floor
I heard two men discussing the BGs (body shape and services provided in room) openly on the floor. The female customers le ...
can you please elaborate what you just said ...
a female customer left because she heard male customers talking about the BGs and because of this you feel the sauna should not cater to female customers ???  don't understand your logic !


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I have a question for everyone ...

Windsor have now raised the suggested tip for the girls to be at least $150 for 2 sessions

what would you do if you find the girl's skill / strength to be below your expectations ?

also what if you find the BG's performance below average but not so bad that one needs to actually complain ?

how does one tip in these situations ???


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-24 11:33 發表
Windsor have now raised the suggested tip for the girls to be at least $150 for 2 sessions

what would you do if you find the girl's skill / strength to be below your expectations ?

also what if you find the BG's performance below average but not so bad that one needs to actually complain ? ...
The problem from Windsor's point of view, which reflects many of the bgs' opinions, is that there are too many customers who are . . . let's see, how to say this . . . uh . . . CHEAP!!     So Windsor is trying to protect the girls' income to some minimum level.  If a customer can't afford the HK$75/session minimum tip, then neither the bgs nor Windsor really want you for a customer!!

I know bgs who've had to deal with repeating customers who would only book them for ONE SESSION, and then would only pay HK$50 tip for that session.  By doing these customers, the bgs were not making any real income while losing their spot in the queue to do a two-session customer who might at least pay HK$100/session tips.  Sort of a double-sting.  So I can sympathise with skilled, hardworking bgs who get bad customers.

But there are bgs at Windsor whose skills aren't worth my time either.  For these girls, I would pay a HK$100/session tip if their skills are in the range of average, but not book them again.  If they are really bad, I will end the session before the second session begins, and pay the minimum tip for the one session.  In these very rare cases, I will make up a reason to leave early.  For such bgs, I may tell 寶文 that the girl was really sub-par, then, if I still have time, re-book another girl.  It will get back to the first bg by one channel (management) or another (second bg) that she wasn't up to par.

Nonetheless, if Windsor is going to set a minimum tip, and raise it over time, then I'd like to see them invest in having a 師傅 test the bgs' skills at the point of hire, and perhaps provide some further checks and ongoing training (at Windsor's expense) where needed; perhaps once a month for the first three months of hire.  Windsor does offer training by a 師傅 if the bgs want it, but the bgs have to pay out of their own pocket for the training, which most bgs understandably decline to do, as it isn't cheap.  I think the price I heard once from a bg was in the neighbourhood of HK$5000.   It would be to the advantage of all (customers, bgs, and Windsor) if Windsor invested in establishing and maintaining a higher standard of bg skill.  After all, Windsor would have us believe that it is a better class of sauna/spa . . .

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-4-25 00:10 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA Make up


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-4-24 19:08 發表

The problem from Windsor's point of view, which reflects many of the bgs' opinions, is that there are too many customers who are . . . let's see, how to say this . . . uh . . . CHEAP!!      ...
I don't believe Windsor have a sei-fu that teaches entry girls anymore, but I might be wrong.

When I find myself with a girl that can't massage properly I usually still go through the sessions and pay the tip anyway - with a reminder to myself not to try her again. This has never happened to me in Windsor as (so far - touch wood) the ones I've tried has been up to standard.

But this is what a friend of mine told me when he did a repeat of a BG there ... her massage skills were OK to good (she's been quite popular in Windsor for sometime) so he did 3 sessions with her the first time and tipped her $100 per session.
Second time with her, he again asked for 3 sessions, everything was well until the middle of the 2nd session when she started to talk about how much tips other clients gives her and how the ones that only gives $100 per session are cheap, how it was hard for her to make a living with so many girls in competition etc etc etc ... this went on until the end of the 3 sessions !!!
so for more then 1 hour he had to endure her ranting ...

how does one tip under these circumstances ?  
$100 per session is not great but not bad either !


Regarding cfu teaching underskilled girls,in the past there have been one or two occasions when a veteran cfu was  called upon to teach newly-joined girls on an adhoc basis.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-4-25 16:12 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2012-4-25 16:07 發表
Regarding cfu teaching underskilled girls,in the past there have been one or two occasions when a veteran cfu was  called upon to teach newly-joined girls on an adhoc basis.
Well, Windsor should get that cfu back on line.  Maybe put her on salary to make it worth her time to help out.  I'd say at least 50% of the current technicians at Windsor need training.  A customer should be able to walk in and expect a better-than-average massage from any assigned technician.  It's pretty much hit-or-miss now.  Given the cost of a massage there, and the caliber of sauna that Windsor wants us to believe it is, this shouldn't be the case.

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-4-26 10:24 編輯 ]


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-25 15:58 發表
how does one tip under these circumstances ?  
$100 per session is not great but not bad either !
$100/session tip for pure veg is fine.  My regular bgs all tell me most girls are quite happy to get $100/session tips.  So if a bg, in the regular line of vegan duty, complains that $100/session is "cheap", and talks about this all during the massage, you can complain to 寶文 or at the front desk on your way out.  But don't do this lightly; Windsor does punish bgs who whine for tips.  These girls can be taken out of the customer queue for days or even weeks, and must then rely solely on direct customer bookings for their income during that time.

Now if your friend was pushing for VAS, many bgs do make it clear that $100/session is below market.  If this was the case (or is the case, should that be the case for all you VAS cases ), then please don't complain to management that the girl was whining about tips.  Ideally, a girl should state her price just once, and the customer should either put up or shut up at that point.  If she doesn't stop talking about tips because the customer won't stop requesting something extra, then you've both put commerce ahead of atmosphere and get what you deserve.

Again, complain to management only for situations that are pure veg in nature.

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-4-26 10:28 編輯 ]


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原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-25 15:58 發表
everything was well until the middle of the 2nd session when she started to talk about how much tips other clients gives her and how the ones that only gives $100 per session are cheap ...
I'm cueing into "everything was well until the middle of the 2nd session", which suggests that "something popped up" at that point to warrant the ongoing monologue on tips.  You may want to check with your friend about this, just to put that customer's grumble into proper context.

When "things pop up", many bgs at Windsor see an income opportunity, and can be a bit 硬銷.   As discusssed previously, more bgs seem to be more aggressive about offering VAS now, which is pushing Windsor closer to the open airport category among HK saunas.




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