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原帖由 arowana 於 2011-7-15 12:12 發表 睇佢哋個樣其實成班都係怪獸!!

[ 本帖最後由 aero169169 於 2011-7-16 10:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 aero169169 於 2011-7-15 20:55 發表 尊重別人等於尊重自己

[ 本帖最後由 aero169169 於 2011-7-16 10:24 編輯 ]


原帖由 arowana 於 2011-7-15 12:12 發表
I think C-hing is 股添落or 淋瘋?
please check your own mirror!!!


tried new bg last night, named joycie or joyce.  very nice body like tung tung or even better.  she is big on top but not fat.
Dup skill is not as good. she is strong enough to be between light and medium strength but needs practice on the whole dup process.
very playful and nice to look at.


Their telephone is not working, pls advise, thanks


any new bg at this place? I have tried both of the busty bg, tung tung and joyce. would be nice to get massage from all of them at once! any ching know even better place in wanchai, ie more expensive and more selection of pretty bg?


Joyce is from Bali.
There is one new girl or two coming in these two days.


Oh wow, no wonder Bali is so popular! she did mention how all the bg there are young and in good shape. Joyce herself has a mouth watering body.
I should just call ah wing to ask her about the new girls coming in. it would be nice it novotel or similar hotels have spa services with young and good dup bg here in wanchai, I would be going there a lot.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


i have seen joyce but haven't tried yet..her body is ridiculous atonishing, but is it really in good condition? it looked like very big but not firm


well I dont know if you will ever find out, maybe after going for 100 times? this is afterall an upstair bone in wanchai


原帖由 SCWT 於 2011-7-26 16:21 發表
i have seen joyce but haven't tried yet..her body is ridiculous atonishing, but is it really in good condition? it looked like very big but not firm
I tried Joyce yesterday and that pair of boobs was just so playful.......can't put my hand off from it.........I do agree that it is to the soft side but still has some firmness........for those boobs lover like me, she is a must try.........
I am also a Dirty Old Man


回復 161# 的帖子

thx for report, i guess no matter what i still have to experience at least once, i will not get over it if i don't try myself


回復 162# 的帖子

Never been to Eton Spa thoughI always have tea downstairs.  Is the place clean - towel shower?? I had tried those upstairs spa in TST like Bali.  I really don't see the value of spa packae ($498) vs massage package (298) as I usually just take $298 plus 202 tips (make it 500).

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 garylock 於 2011-7-27 09:08 發表
Never been to Eton Spa thoughI always have tea downstairs.  Is the place clean - towel shower?? I had tried those upstairs spa in TST like Bali.  I really don't see the value of spa packae ($498) vs m ...
Yeah! This is the most common and more clients feel comfortable to pay package. I think both client and BG are happy for this package while owner would like you to pay spa package (498) because they would like to get their investment capital back asap.

相關搜索目錄: SPA Investment


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回復 163# 的帖子

personally never try spa either, rpp is all i need

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 165# 的帖子

yes, that is my observation too.  As most brother said Bali is considered clean and neat but I guess they are still for from regular big sauna places which changes those towels more regularly and looks cleaner than there.  I had looked at their spa room, also not sure how frequent or thorough they clean the big bucket too.  So I would rather take the 298 package and enjoy the dub and vas if appropriate.  For Spa and bucket, I really prefer to do it myself at hotel or any club house rather than paying $200 and less dub from BGs as I will get dub (massage) through out the 90 minutes.

I think the owner may not like my comment here, it is really my opinion from a consumer standpoint.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 garylock 於 2011-7-28 03:34 發表
yes, that is my observation too.  As most brother said Bali is considered clean and neat but I guess they are still for from regular big sauna places which changes those towels more regularly and look ...
You are assumed to trust the plastic bag that they put on top of the bucket rather than the bucket themselves...........


原帖由 garylock 於 2011-7-28 03:34 發表
yes, that is my observation too.  As most brother said Bali is considered clean and neat but I guess they are still for from regular big sauna places which changes those towels more regularly and look ...
You are assumed to trust the plastic bag that they put on top of the bucket rather than the bucket itself.......


原帖由 garylock 於 2011-7-28 11:34 發表
yes, that is my observation too.  As most brother said Bali is considered clean and neat but I guess they are still for from regular big sauna places which changes those towels more regularly and look ...
I also like to have the $298 package rather than SPA is not because of hygiene as I believe that the throw away plastic bag they put on the tub is alright, I enjoy it more to have oil pushing and the close contact with the BG..........by the way, I don't find any problem with their towel............there are SPA and sauna much worse than them..............

相關搜索目錄: SPA
I am also a Dirty Old Man


I tried to do the spa when I have time as biz is tough for everyone right now so I tried to help out.
anyone tried the new bg yet? I just finished trying everyone, looking forward to being served by both tung tung and joyce. maybe more Bali ex-bg will show up here.

相關搜索目錄: SPA




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i know which one ching saw, surprised to see her there too. I was thinking she must have good dup skills to be there as tungtung, joyce, or siu bing are prettier with good figures. had siu ping the other day, very fit body and good dup nonethless.
look forward to trying two of them at once, time permitting that is.


I wonder when the new BG is coming to work??
I am also a Dirty Old Man




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