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**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 KMY89 於 2007-3-21 18:18 發表
听讲CP有D HOTEL有,但我以前果边就无囖,东莞终究不是深圳啊!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


Race 8: 無提供
金同德 is a new born HV expert at 1000-1200 distances. It's dangerous to bet him to lose this race. But I am a liitle bit worry about he's running too much these month, and the confrontators are much more tough than ever. I think the chance of his winning in this race is just ~40%, and that of his getting into a runner-up is ~80%. I do think some horses may beaten him to 1st or 2nd runner-up. They may be 幸運精英,極奇妙,魅力漢子,一號種籽,創惑?!
Yeah! As what I've analysed in Dou Dou's thread, 杜鹏志is cold man, it's dangerous for him to ride on an odds-on-favourite! The winning jockey of  金同德 last time was now on 創惑, Coetzee was available but had not engaged to ride on it...金同德 未跑已输了,只是他赛绩太好,无法把他上榜而已!但投注上已不把他作重心了!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!




原帖由 求其 於 2007-3-21 14:08 發表

听讲CP有D HOTEL有,但我以前果边就无囖,东莞终究不是深圳啊!



原帖由 KMY89 於 2007-3-22 11:38 發表
一如所料,金同德假如赢得,点解无配高雅至或杨仔,而搞个冷人杜老痔来?!结过 杨仔 今次赢 創惑 囖。金同德上次赢的威威之星都要靠杨仔果几磅,仲赢的不轻松了,而 威威之星 真的不是很利害,他连缩程的 祥胜奇驹也跑不赢。。。

我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 KMY89 於 2007-3-22 11:40 發表

厚街 未必有,我去过的两间就无了!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


回復 #133 求其 的帖子


相關搜索目錄: 報紙


原帖由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2007-3-22 12:08 發表

相關搜索目錄: 報紙
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


阿標昨晚臨場此場結果投注了極奇妙,金同德,創惑 Q 及 PQ 鐵角, 雖然最後一刻 Q 由三十多倍跌至二十四倍, PQ 也跌至+倍, 但總算收獲不錯, 雖錯花了注碼在金同德身上, 但賽前怯了來頭不敢不施埋 !

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 billchan 於 2007-3-22 14:29 發表
阿標昨晚臨場此場結果投注了極奇妙,金同德,創惑 Q 及 PQ 鐵角, 雖然最後一刻 Q 由三十多倍跌至二十四倍, PQ 也跌至+倍, 但總算收獲不錯, 雖錯花了注碼在金同德身上, 但賽前怯了來頭不敢不施埋 !
極奇妙 上次赢的对手很好,睇黎極奇妙及創惑都会在下年会齐齐在一班起作用的了!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-3-22 06:42 發表

極奇妙 上次赢的对手很好,睇黎極奇妙及創惑都会在下年会齐齐在一班起作用的了!
尋晚D派彩有D無厘頭 ,尾場求其玩幾百,但無拖創惑,因為有一次創惑外檔配牌仔跑得好差 ...

重心投注是盈感果場,想不到盈感是頂頭大熱,但Q派$232(差不多是大、次熱門串Q )


原帖由 KMY89 於 2007-3-22 15:13 發表

尋晚D派彩有D無厘頭 ,尾場求其玩幾百,但無拖創惑,因為有一次創惑外檔配牌仔跑得好差 ...

重心投注是盈感果場,想不到盈感是頂頭大熱,但Q派$232(差不多是大、次熱門串Q )。
盈感 呢系人好难搞 (与以前快感、好感同綵衣,跟 必X胜、真威/金威、再战群雄/聶驹 等等斗志昂扬的马主不同啊)
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 KMY89 於 2007-3-22 15:13 發表

尋晚D派彩有D無厘頭 ,尾場求其玩幾百,但無拖創惑,因為有一次創惑外檔配牌仔跑得好差 ...

重心投注是盈感果場,想不到盈感是頂頭大熱,但Q派$232(差不多是大、次熱門串Q )。
  阿標昨晚都E實 KMY兄呢場重心賽事!頭馬(10)綠駿之威 ( W $62.5 )雖云是次熱,其實過關飛之前是W派 $99 元的第七、八熱門,兩隻葉W過落黎後立刻變為 $45 元的大熱,但(10)搭盈感的 Q 及 QP 並不熱,隨後(6)盈感落票成W $47 大熱時,(10)綠駿之威 卒以次熱之身開跑,但 6-10 之Q並不是首、次熱、三熱、四熱Q,計有 2-6(22倍),6-11(22倍),2-10(19倍)、3-6(21倍)比它還熱,此外尚有 24~27倍的 Q 6條之多!  可見在 Q 彩池(10)綠駿之威 是假次熱! 所以搭大熱盈感有 $232 之多!

  阿標此場跟 KMY兄心水加上臨場跟票中 Q 是必然了! 當時還見獵心喜,以 (10)綠駿之威 串射下一場五隻買孖寶搏升水,可惜祇開隻大熱同(我來也) ,派彩($175.5) 無驚喜!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 billchan 於 2007-3-22 16:42 發表
  阿標此場跟 KMY兄心水加上臨場跟票中 Q 是必然了! 當時還見獵心喜,以 (10)綠駿之威 串射下一場五隻買孖寶搏升水,可惜祇開隻大熱同(我來也) ,派彩($175.5) 無驚喜!   
...如果不選射五隻,恢復用 KMY兄曾提及的求其與阿標慣用的「全餐」法,可收埋安慰獎搭 2號 愛的世界 派彩 $ 952 !

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 billchan 於 2007-3-22 17:30 發表

...如果不選射五隻,恢復用 KMY兄曾提及的求其與阿標慣用的「全餐」法,可收埋安慰獎搭 2號 愛的世界 派彩 $ 952 !
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


25/3/07 Dead hot dog:

Race 1: 無提供

Race 2: 無提供 (后备死狗: 自己友)
If 自己友 becomes one the hottest horses in this race, give up betting on it win, because horses of the same series seldom win when being hot.

Race 3:  駔驍之首
I think it may not be the hottest horse in this race, but still carry a huge amount of betting money for it's feasible to become the focus of the punters as well as his 幕后. Forget about this piece if rubbish la, there are so many horses worthy being bet on other than this kind of 能力与吸引力不符馬!

Race 4: 無提供

Race 5: 無提供

Race 6: 大紅人
The 幕后知名度(like that of 爆炸 which readily becomes 较受公众注目馬)、rider being Whyte、名次last time(4th)...will lead to a hotter odds for him (may be the first three hottest horses this race). I won't think he will win in this race, and may possibly out of the first three!

Race 7:  無提供

Race 8: 醉激
The 斗志 of 幕后 is excellent(including the horses of the owner's father, namely 創惑,燦惑...). This also reflects that 醉激 is not a good horse, as he keeps on fighting for a W and ultimately got one in last race which was a 苦戰 for him. 1000m may not be the best distance for him, and 徐君禮 is still a cold jockey. I anticipate 醉激 will still get into the first 4, but may not win in this race.

Race 9: 無提供

Race 10: 贏得寶
He's a place horse and a virgin as well. It's not worthy betting W on him. I think he will come back at 3-6 again!

Race 11: 無提供

相關搜索目錄: Dog
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!



阿標今晚到腦場EE部電腦得未?希望攪得掂!  否則咪話吹水,連博友榜都貼唔到!

相關搜索目錄: 電腦

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 billchan 於 2007-3-23 18:38 發表

阿標今晚到腦場EE部電腦得未?希望攪得掂!  否則咪話吹水,連博友榜都貼唔到!
Yes, as I don't know the W odds at prsent, therefore I cou;dn't focus accurately on those hot dead dog for the time being. I think the list ofr 25/2/07 may be altered later when I approximately know the W-odds distribution.

相關搜索目錄: 電腦 Dog
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 billchan 於 2007-3-23 18:38 發表
阿標今晚到腦場EE部電腦得未?希望攪得掂!  否則咪話吹水,連博友榜都貼唔到!

相關搜索目錄: 電腦

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 求其 於 2007-3-23 18:00 發表
25/3/07 Dead hot dog:
25/3/07 Dead hot dog:

Race 1: 無提供

Race 2: 自己友
自己友 will the second hottest horse in this race, put him on list according to my view point I've put down previously.

Race 3:  駔驍之首
I think it may not be the hottest horse in this race, but still carry a huge amount of betting money for it's feasible to become the focus of the punters as well as his 幕后. Forget about this piece if rubbish la, there are so many horses worthy being bet on other than this kind of 能力与吸引力不符馬!

Race 4: 無提供

Race 5: 常山鎮寶
果真阴魂不散, it becomes the overnight odds-on-favourite and may still a horse among the hottest horses tomorrow. I think he could get 3-6, or even the 1st runner-up if lucky, as the confrontators are further weaker! But I still want to emphasize : Never betting on an old virgin, especially those owned by 斗志很好马主! If he could win, he would have won long time ago lo...

Race 6: 無提供
As 大紅人 is not very hot, I therefore unlist him. If he becomes a hot horse (odds<6:1), Remeber what I've said: The 幕后知名度(like that of 爆炸 which readily becomes 较受公众注目馬)、rider being Whyte、名次last time(4th)...will lead to a hotter odds for him (may be the first three hottest horses this race). I won't think he will win in this race, and may possibly out of the first three!

Race 7:  錢順來
The win odds of him is 4:1 now, it's totally unreasonable for him to have such a low odds, he's not a good horse, got a 2nd runner-up but many lengths behind the first two. I think he's a turf horse who needs fast pacing for him to come from behind. Dirt track may not be his best entrance to the winning gate. I believe he would come back out of the first three!

Race 8: 醉激
The 斗志 of 幕后 is excellent(including the horses of the owner's father, namely 創惑,燦惑...). This also reflects that 醉激 is not a good horse, as he keeps on fighting for a W and ultimately got one in last race which was a 苦戰 for him. 1000m may not be the best distance for him(he's quite hard to get the win last time), and 徐君禮 is still a cold jockey. I anticipate 醉激 will still get into the first 4, but may not win in this race.

Race 9: 無提供

Race 10: 贏得寶
He's a place horse and a virgin as well. It's not worthy betting W on him. I think he will come back at 3-6 again!

Race 11: 無提供

相關搜索目錄: Dog
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!



第一場 至上怎看?


原帖由 91254431 於 2007-3-25 00:13 發表

第一場 至上怎看?
至上 已赢了一次,成热是正常的,今次赢出与否,死狗LIST都一定无佢份!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-3-24 15:47 發表

25/3/07 Dead hot dog:
Race 2: 自己友
Race 3:  駔驍之首。。。
駔驍之首 is cetainly my favourite, since he always bring me bonus as he is still chased by some stubborn punters who believe he could win ultimately leading him to be the odds-on-favourite on and on!

相關搜索目錄: Dog
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!




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