ì©«¥Ñ Gorgeous ©ó 2011-8-20 00:46 µoªí 
¤pµØ¨Ï¥Î¤è«K, »ù¿ú¥. ¦ý«Yµ½è¤è±´N¤ñø¤W¤jµØ 
¦ý«Yµ½è¤è±´N¤ñø¤W¤jµØ ...

of course I knew ...
¤£¹L¤µ®É¤µ¤é¥Ý¯u«YµL«§²¦È«Y Hifi machines ..............
under 3000 hK$ ´N¥i¥H ...........................
¦n¦ü PCM-M10 , PS3 , NAD C515bee , SONY headphone CD-900st ..............
¥þ³¡ ( each ) ³£«Y under 3000 HK$ ......................
ok la ..............................
anyways ......................I may consider to buy an used phono amp for ½¦½¦ ..............
my pre-amp NAD C-162 got phono ....................¤£¹LÁ¿¯u...Å¥¤UÅ¥¤U ....(

¦n¦üµLo¥Ì°ÊºAªº,µL«§°Ê¤O .....................¦n C-»D .......¤Ó¹L²Ô¤h feel ......
I may consider this .,.............................
ha ha .......................
my beloved Trichord .........................
Dino .........
Mark 2

dark grey !!!!
Dino d Án¦n"ùÚ " , ²Ê²Ê¾|¾|
°÷ power , ¥¼¥[¤u feel , ...............Mark 2 À³¸Ó¥òºë±m ..............¦pªG¥[ 4 °¦ TAOC ¸}....ªÖ©w
Ãz !
used price under 2700 HK$ in London on line store ..................
let's çÜçÜ la .........................
Dino Phono Amplifier
Release the magic of vinyl with the award winning Dino phono stage. It provides superb sound quality at an affordable price.
Thie Dino will accept a wide range of MM and MC cartridges with adjustments for gain and loading easily accessible on the underside of the unit.
A range of power supply upgrades are available for the Dino including the patented 'Never Connected' technology.
As of Jan 2008 the Dino has been revised and upgraded to Mk2 status. If you own an original Mk1 Dino then you can return it to us to bring it up to date. Click here for more information about this upgrade.

¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ MakiGoto. ©ó 2011-8-21 00:06 ½s¿è ]