Hello Hello ............................
before I start to use my Dino mk2 .................
today I use NAD phono .,.....................................ha ha ...
yes ......................very C-聞 ......
我都聽人說 NAD , Luxman d phono 係 C-聞風格 ....( I use Luxman 膽 phono .....b4 )
well .......................
講真禾係粗人 ...........................
that's why I miss the sound of Dino ........................粗糙的real sound ! I like ~
講真, 值得一提哩個 Luxman phono ................
真係 not my cup of tea ..............................
我記得 常陸宮 中佐 Conde 說 " use some hi grade tube , it can make better and even higher sound ....."
but I count it .............if I change all ( three tubes 12AX7 ) to higher brand , it's cost me more than 幾千蚊 ...
so sorry ............................I'm poor .......
anyways ..............I will wait for my Dino 2 ..........................
( normally ............use speed post .............this weekend .,,,,,will be in HK .......................

This Luxman looks hi-grade but ......................sound not meet my style .................
Dino (1 ) or Dino ( mk 2 ) ....
look like cheap , full body plastic and light .....................but sound is so good for rock , pop , jazz ...............
I like !