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[桑拿浴室] 浪淘莎桑拿 (Sauna Lotto)

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原帖由 Kilopapa 於 2009-9-15 13:26 發表
I trust the Regluatory Officialdom knows better then all of us ...
Indeed, there are no secrets from Regluatory Officialdom, and, again, as long as there are no real complaints that have to be addressed, there is generally no regulatory action, especially against airport and FS saunas, which have their own unofficial "understandings".  But veggie saunas are quite vulnerable, as they do not have unofficial "understandings" about their business licenses, which is the crux of the problem with this particular sauna, and which is why their girls get fired so easily.  As long as we are all sensitive to that, and make an effort to respect that, then all should be okay.


回復 1151# 的帖子

Sounds like you are one of the manager of Lotto.  Haha


回復 1152# 的帖子

Just like the girls, and just like to keep 'em working where we all love to visit them!


At least in those days when I visited this sauna,
in a conversation with the ruling manager once,  we did refer to this forum, and he said any bg 'who played up with trouble' or cross his line would be fired.
Yes, I also agree if a manager does not like a particular bg, he may fire her, even if she has not crossed the line.
I have heard from a Lotto bg that another fired bg insisted that she was 砌生豬 i.e. she had not violated the no-hj rule (or no jerking/ 'chok' -----using the word used by the ruling manger), but she was fired perhaps because of something the manager was not happy with her.
But still, when a bg is reported crossing the line here, the ruling manager is (almost) certain to fire her. I am not saying a causal relationship, but there is a correlation, e.g.
a night-shift bg in the past (I can't remember the number),
bg 68
bg 116
The report here may serve as immediate cause or a supporting reason/circumstantial evidence for dismissal. For example, in the case of 116, she was warned before she was finally fired. The slight report of her doing hj may have appeared before or after the warning, and her dismissal may have occurred right after her warning or a post-warning 'spot check' by the management, whether he took the report into consideration or not.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed with your views and analyses, and I want to say that I did hear from the ruling manager how he imposed his 'discipline' (even if he is not honest/sincere enough), and I did hear from a bg who had been fired, and I did hear from the friend of a bg who had been fired, and that during the days last year when I was inactive in this forum, I did still follow through the reports here (and heard occasionally from bgs) and was able to correlate certain happenings.

And I repeat (sorry for being long-winded), if you report actively here and is known to be a familiar customer, the management is almost certain to know who you are, and if you enjoyed something that cross the line, even if in night-shift hours, the day-shift ruling manager has the total discretion to do what he can about the bg in question.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-9-15 21:10 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


回復 1154# 的帖子


I PM'd a private question to you that I hope you can answer for me.



回復 1155# 的帖子

Sorry, found no PM from you. Pls send in again.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


回復 1156# 的帖子

Just sent again.



That is why less and less detail report in these months.


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Yes, it is the reason there is less report here.

I appreciate Whitekitty and Carmamlamlam's contributions here but we should be able to balance the interest of the BG/Saunas/Bros here.


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That manager
I don't care about manager(s), a bit care about the BG, and care about myself the most.


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Any C Hing has new & good recommendation?


回復 1# 的帖子

oooookkkkk la


原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2009-9-23 08:40 發表
of course everyone is selfish and care ourselves

on the other hand, he massage himself too but want the bgs provide special VAS for him
wonder if the owner knows about it......
If what you say is true, one of the directors of the sauna may read this forum ; at least he did a few years ago.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


@^ OK LA 冇VAS 1/2  同代


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原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2009-9-24 08:43 發表
went there 3 days ago tried **
Not too bad
Little VAS
c-hing, thx for sharing, do you try bg &* ? pls commet
i have try #& few day ago, good for bone skill


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Any good recommendation for night shift?  I've been there twice around midnight, tried && and ##, both born skill ok, but no VAS.


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其實要其他服務一街都係. 係咪想連一間唔太貴又可以好好享受輕鬆一下的正骨場都冇先開心?
講到俾錢有VAS, 如果閣下唔介意錢, 唔介意時間, 幾正骨既埸你都可以溝到女同你去街. 咁又點?


I had tried @), her bone skill is very good. but no vas for that time


原帖由 iwant2diefast 於 2009-9-29 15:40 發表
I had tried @), her bone skill is very good. but no vas for that time
Was that the first time she served you?
If yes, that might be the reason.   




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