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­ì©«¥Ñ ¨®¤í¥Û§ó ©ó 2007-8-17 23:04 µoªí


»Õ¤UÁ¿ªº³¥«D±`¦³¹D²z, ¤£¹L¯dµf­Ú§A¦Û¤vÅ¥µf·|§ó¦n

µLÃÒ¾Ú¤ä«ù? Ú»¤U§r allure ªº #13, ¦pªGÊ\Á¿ªº³¥«Y¦³ÉA¹ê½èÃÒ¾Úªº¸Ü, ¨º¤~ºâ¬O§Ú¿ù§a


­ì©«¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-17 23:17 µoªí

§A¹ïÉA¥Í¬J¦^ÂдN«Y³Ì concrete¬J evidence ³â...
ÉA¥Í¥u«Y§Æ±æ¤jª©¥D¥i¥H unban ¤@dÉA¥Í»{¬°«YµL¶d¬Jª©¥DoªÌ...
§A´N¸ÜÊ\«Y­n§Üª§ªG­Ó¬J¤À¨­... §A¥i¥HÃÒ©úÉA¥Í ¦P fairgame«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H?
§Ú¥u«Y·Q®§¨Æ¹ç¤H... ÉA¥Í³£µL¦A¦^À³§A³â.. §Ú¬J­ì·N¦n©úÅã¹F¨ì¥ª...

§ÚçܧA·d¿ù¤F, §ÚµL¸Ü¹LÉA¥Í¦Pfairgame«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H, §Ú¥u°Ý§Q°Oª©¥DÊ\¦a«Y­ø«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H©j.

¦Ü©óÉA¥Í¦Pfairgame«YÃä­Óªº¤À¨­, §Ú¥u«Y°Ý¹L¤U¨ä¥Lª©¥D¥ý¦ÜËÝÁ¿,
¦Ü©óÊ\¦a«YÃä­Óªº¤À¨­....§ÚçÜ lu ª©¥D§A¦Û¤v¦³check ip¯à¤O¦Û¤vÀ³¸Óª¾.

¥ò¦³, §AªG¥y¡uok, i've ansewered yours, but you still haven't answered my question.
please provide concrete evidence for supporting your accusations against me!  thanks!¡v­ø¸Ó§A¦Û¤v³Ì¦n¦^À³µfÅT#13§A¥´¹LdÉA. §Ú¥u«Yı±o³Q¤H·´Á½¥ýÁ¿Ëݦh³¥, ¦pªG­ø«Y§Ú¦­´N¦¬Án¤F.


­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 23:17 µoªí
»Õ¤UÁ¿ªº³¥«D±`¦³¹D²z, ¤£¹L¯dµf­Ú§A¦Û¤vÅ¥µf·|§ó¦n

µLÃÒ¾Ú¤ä«ù? Ú»¤U§r allure ªº #13, ¦pªGÊ\Á¿ªº³¥«Y¦³ÉA¹ê½èÃÒ¾Úªº¸Ü, ¨º¤~ºâ¬O§Ú¿ù§a
ÉA¥Í: post159
yours: post 160
ÉA¥Â: post 161

has he said anything against you?  why did you keep trying to ©Ù¶ÂÊ\?
he has been speaking very politely.

how about you?
post 7 & especially #8!!!  those are the evidences that he should not ±o¸o§A!!!

also, i'm a vivid example now, i only tried to make the discussion a peaceful one.. but i'm being personally attacked by you!
please provide concrete evidence to your accusations against me!
­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 17:44 µoªí

§Ú­øª¾Ãä©¿±o¸o§AØ{, ªü lu ¤p©j, °µ«§Ëݤ¤·N©P³òÂI¤õ?
§Úªº¥ß³õ¤j®a³£¦³²´Ú», §Ú«Y©O«×¤@­Ó¤H³£­øÃÑ, ¥ç¥¼¨£¹L©O«×¥ô¦ó¤@­Ó¤H, ­ø¦ü±o§AËݤ¤·Nª±ÉA³¥©ÔÃö«Y.  

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-17 23:31 ½s¿è ]
  • cdlover Åé¤O +20 be just, and fear not 2007-8-17 23:32
  • cdlover «Â±æ +20 be just, and fear not 2007-8-17 23:32

in love with the nature...


­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 23:28 µoªí
§ÚçܧA·d¿ù¤F, §ÚµL¸Ü¹LÉA¥Í¦Pfairgame«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H, §Ú¥u°Ý§Q°Oª©¥DÊ\¦a«Y­ø«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H©j.

¦Ü©óÉA¥Í¦Pfairgame«YÃä­Óªº¤À¨­, §Ú¥u«Y°Ý¹L¤U¨ä¥Lª©¥D¥ý¦ÜËÝÁ¿,
¦Ü©óÊ\¦a«YÃä­Óªº¤À¨­....§ÚçÜ lu ª©¥D§A¦Û¤v¦³check ip¯à¤O¦Û¤vÀ³¸Óª¾.
§Ú­øª¾fairgame«YÃä­Ó¬J¤À¨­, ¦ý§Ú¦nªÖ©w ÉA¥Í¦P fairgame­ø«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H.....

in love with the nature...


­ì©«¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-17 23:29 µoªí

http://forum.timway.com/f/redire ... o=lastpost#lastpost
ÉA¥Í: post159
yours: post 160
ÉA¥Â: post 161

has he said anything against you?  why did you keep trying to ©Ù¶ÂÊ\ ...
»Õ¤U¤£Â_¦V§Ú´£¤Î¤°»ò°ª¼h¤H¤h, ¦Ó¥B­ø¤î¤@¦¸, «Y¤@¦Ó¦A¡B¦A¦Ó¤TËÝ´£¤Î, ¬O§_­n¦V§Ú·t¥Ü¤°»ò?
¦pªGËݼ˭øºâ«YÂI¤õ, ¥òÁ¿¨ì¦Û¤v¸Ü¤H¦a¡u­ø±o¸o±o¡v³£µL°ÝÃD?! §Ú­ø¦ü±o¬Yd¤H¦³¨ä¥L¤H¼µ¸y.
¤À¨­...­ü, §A«Yª©¥D³£§ê­øª¾? ¤@check ip´Nª¾, ­ø¨Ï©íªº.
©ÔÃö«Y«Y§AÁ¿¥ý, ©úÅã«Y©p·QÁ¿§Ú¦P¬Yd©O«×ªº°ªÂ¾¦ì¤H¤h¦³Ápô, ¬JµM§AËݳ£­ø»{§Ú³£§j§A­øµÈ
http://forum.timway.com/f/viewth ... =page%3D&page=1
­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 17:44 µoªí

§Ú­øª¾Ãä©¿±o¸o§AØ{, ªü lu ¤p©j, °µ«§Ëݤ¤·N©P³òÂI¤õ?
§Úªº¥ß³õ¤j®a³£¦³²´Ú», §Ú«Y©O«×¤@­Ó¤H³£­øÃÑ, ¥ç¥¼¨£¹L ...
­nÁ¿ªºÁ¿®Í, ¦³½t¦A·|


­ì©«¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-17 23:40 µoªí

§Ú­øª¾fairgame«YÃä­Ó¬J¤À¨­, ¦ý§Ú¦nªÖ©w ÉA¥Í¦P fairgame­ø«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H.....
§Ú³£¸Ü¥ª§ÚµLÁ¿Ê\¨â­Ó«Y­ø«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H, §Ú¥u«Y°Ý¨s³ºÊ\¨â­Ó«Y­ø«Y¦P¤@­Ó¤H©j.


­ü¡I¥¼¸Ñ¨M¤jª©¥D¬J¨Æ´N¤w¸g¤º«¡, ¤j®a¦³µL·Q¤U³Q ban ¬Jºô¤Í­«¥¼¥­¤Ï
Ê\¦aÚ»¨ìd post ·|¦n­ø¦w¼Ö, ¦U¦ì®v©j®v¥S¥i¥H§NÀR¤@¤U¶Ü¡H


µL¤H¥i¥H±±¨î , ¥u¦³¦b³]¨¾¤¤­@¤ß¦aµ¥.¾_ ¾_ ¾_
¦n¦ü¤p«K§¹¤@¼Ë , ±±¨î­ø¨ì .
sorry Á¿¸Ñ±o®Ö¥Y¥ª¤Ö¤Ö¥X¨Ó²K


­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 23:43 µoªí
»Õ¤U¤£Â_¦V§Ú´£¤Î¤°»ò°ª¼h¤H¤h, ¦Ó¥B­ø¤î¤@¦¸, «Y¤@¦Ó¦A¡B¦A¦Ó¤TËÝ´£¤Î, ¬O§_­n¦V§Ú·t¥Ü¤°»ò?
¦pªGËݼ˭øºâ«YÂI¤õ, ¥òÁ¿¨ì¦Û¤v¸Ü¤H¦a¡u­ø±o¸o±o¡v³£µL°ÝÃD?! §Ú­ø¦ü±o¬Yd¤H¦³¨ä¥L¤H¼µ¸y.
¤À¨­...­ü, §A«Yª©¥D³£ ...
­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-15 13:22 µoªí

­ü....¦Ó®a¦³³¡¥÷re ¹L±øthreadªº¤H¥i¥H«ì´_µf­Óa/c (¦n¦üXXª©¥DËÝ)³£«Y¾a¨ä¥L¤HÀ°Ê\¦P¤jª©¥DÁ¿©Q....

§Ú¥ò¦n°O±oÊ\¥u«YÁ¿¹L¡u­ø¤Ó¦P·N¤jª©¥Dªº¨M©w¡vËݤW¤U, ¥Î¦r¥ò´µ¤å¹L§Ú, ³£ban
°ª¼h.. ·t¥Ü? «Y§A·t¥Ü¥ý¬[Ø{!
¤£¹L, xxª©¥D¸Ü­ø·Q´£...¦n.. §Ú´N­ø¦A´£!

¼µ¸y?? check IP? §Ú«Yª©¥D§ê­øª¾?
§Ú¤ñ­ÓIP§A¥hcheck¤U¤X? ­n¹E­Ó¹E­Ó¥h¦ô¬[!!!
§A¤SÁ¿¥ª¤@¤j°ïµL concrete evidence support ¬J³¥³â..

in love with the nature...


­ì©«¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-18 00:02 µoªí

°ª¼h.. ·t¥Ü? «Y§A·t¥Ü¥ý¬[Ø{!
¤£¹L, xxª©¥D¸Ü­ø·Q´£...¦n.. §Ú´N­ø¦A´£!

¼µ¸y?? check IP? §Ú«Yª©¥D§ê­øª¾?
§Ú¤ñ­ÓIP§A¥hcheck¤U¤X? ­n¹E­Ó¹E­Ó¥h¦ô¬[!!!
§A¤SÁ¿¥ª¤@¤j°ïµL concrete evidence support ¬J³¥³â..   




­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-18 00:29 µoªí


¥q¾÷x ´N«Yfairgame?

in love with the nature...


­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 17:44 µoªí

§Ú­øª¾Ãä©¿±o¸o§AØ{, ªü lu ¤p©j, °µ«§Ëݤ¤·N©P³òÂI¤õ?
§Úªº¥ß³õ¤j®a³£¦³²´Ú», §Ú«Y©O«×¤@­Ó¤H³£­øÃÑ, ¥ç¥¼¨£¹L©O«×¥ô¦ó¤@­Ó¤H, ­ø¦ü±o§AËݤ¤·Nª±ÉA³¥©ÔÃö«Y.

personal attack!  no evidence provided!

i do request a proper apology for allure, cos Orange Fai is suggesting allure is having relationship with others.
that's an extremely serious ©Ù¶Â & Organge Fai obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what he said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and his saying did make allure feel being insulted & he's not speaking in a polite manner for sure!


­ì©«¥Ñ xocatII ©ó 2007-8-18 12:15 µoªí

personal attack!  no evidence provided!

i do request a proper apology for allure, cos Orange Fai is suggesting allure is having relationship with others.
that's an extremely serious ©Ù¶Â &a ...



­ì©«¥Ñ ¨®¤í¥Û§ó ©ó 2007-8-18 12:43 µoªí







¦^´_ #62 xocatII ªº©«¤l

­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 17:44 µoªí

§Ú­øª¾Ãä©¿±o¸o§AØ{, ªü lu ¤p©j, °µ«§Ëݤ¤·N©P³òÂI¤õ?
§Úªº¥ß³õ¤j®a³£¦³²´Ú», §Ú«Y©O«×¤@­Ó¤H³£­øÃÑ, ¥ç¥¼¨£¹L©O«×¥ô¦ó¤@­Ó¤H, ­ø¦ü±o§AËݤ¤·Nª±ÉA³¥©ÔÃö«Y.

personal attack!  no evidence provided!

i do request a proper apology for allure, cos Orange Fai is suggesting allure is having relationship with others.
that's an extremely serious ©Ù¶Â & Organge Fai obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what he said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and his saying did make allure feel being insulted & he's not speaking in a polite manner for sure!
I offer my humble opinion.  What I said is considered in the content and context of this thread only.
I do not see any impropriety in Orange+Fai¡¦s remarks of ¡§©ÔÃö«Y¡¨.  It is plainly saying ¡§to foster a (good) relationship (with °ª¼h)¡¨.  Even to stretch my imagination to the extreme, I cannot see anything negative or insulting.  Of course, one would perceive it otherwise if he holds a subjective view.  I therefore do not consider that there is concrete evidence that the remark is a personal attack.  

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ happycamel ©ó 2007-8-18 17:59 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨®¤í¥Û§ó ©ó 2007-8-18 12:43 µoªí



¨þ¨þ, ©O­Ó¥@¬É¦³d¤HÄÁ·Nª±, ¤£¹L¦³d¤H§ó¥[¤¤·Nº´


­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-17 17:44 µoªí

§Ú­øª¾Ãä©¿±o¸o§AØ{, ªü lu ¤p©j, °µ«§Ëݤ¤·N©P³òÂI¤õ?
§Úªº¥ß³õ¤j®a³£¦³²´Ú», §Ú«Y©O«×¤@­Ó¤H³£­øÃÑ, ¥ç¥¼¨£¹L©O«×¥ô¦ó¤@­Ó¤H, ­ø¦ü±o§AËݤ¤·Nª±ÉA³¥©ÔÃö«Y.  
­ì©«¥Ñ xocatII ©ó 2007-8-18 12:15 µoªí

personal attack!  no evidence provided!

i do request a proper apology for allure, cos Orange Fai is suggesting allure is having relationship with others.
that's an extremely serious ©Ù¶Â & Organge Fai obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what he said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and his saying did make allure feel being insulted & he's not speaking in a polite manner for sure!  
xocatII, I think your statement is personal attack instead of mine.
You charge me with Personal attack because you deduce I suggest allure is having relationship with others from¡u­ø¦n¦¨¤é¥H¬°¾Ø¤°»ò°ª¼h´N¥i¥HÁ¿¨ì¦Û¤v©¥®Í¡vor¡u­ø¦ü±o§AËݤ¤·Nª±ÉA³¥©ÔÃö«Y¡v???
Is it your logic and thinking skill ?
If you find my statement is 'personal attack', then I am also suffering personal attack from allure.
I said ¡u­ø¦n¦¨¤é¥H¬°¾Ø¤°»ò°ª¼h´N¥i¥HÁ¿¨ì¦Û¤v©¥®Í¡v, as allure say¡uÊ\­ø«Y¦n²M·¡­ø¥i¥H±o¸o§A¬[...
¨D¤U§A©ñ¹LÊ\³â...­ø¸Ó®ÍØ{    ¡v, from your logical thinking, she is also suggesting me(Orange+Fai) is having relationship with ¡u°ª¼h¡v
I can tell you it is an extremely serious ©Ù¶Â & allure obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what she said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and her saying did make me feel absolutely being insulted & she never, never! speaking in a polite manner for sure!!!!

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-18 16:40 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ happycamel ©ó 2007-8-18 13:16 µoªí

I offer my humble opinion.  What I said is considered in the content and context of this thread only.
I do not see any impropriety in Orange+Fai¡¦s remarks of ¡§©ÔÃö«Y¡¨.  It is plainly saying ...
May I suggest that both orange fai and allure each take back the words of contention and forget about them.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2007-8-18 16:49 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ happycamel ©ó 2007-8-18 13:16 µoªí

I offer my humble opinion.  What I said is considered in the content and context of this thread only.
I do not see any impropriety in Orange+Fai¡¦s remarks of ¡§©ÔÃö«Y¡¨.  It is plainly saying ¡§to foster a (good) relationship (with °ª¼h)¡¨.  Even to stretch my imagination to the extreme, I cannot see anything negative or insulting. Of course, one would perceive it otherwise if he holds a subjective view.  I therefore do not consider that there is concrete evidence that the remark is a personal attack.  As such, I do not agree with XOCAT that Orange+Fai shall apologise.
Thanks your support.

I admit that my saying to allure maybe impolite, then say Sorry is OK.
However, if xocatII¤jª©¥D request....no....force me to apologize to allure due to the reason of "personal attack", then I will definitely refuse.

But what I emphasis is, when a female firstly provoke others and then she shirks all her responsibilities on another person just because from a selfish female's point of view

To these kind of unjustifiable women say sorry? Does she really don't know how to write the word "Áà"

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-18 20:56 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ happycamel ©ó 2007-8-18 13:16 µoªí

I offer my humble opinion.  What I said is considered in the content and context of this thread only.
I do not see any impropriety in Orange+Fai¡¦s remarks of ¡§©ÔÃö«Y¡¨.  It is plainly saying ...
dear happycamel

from a female's point of view.. i'm sorry.. those statements that OF made are very negative to me.  yet, as i said before, i don't want to carry on this meaningless arguement but only waiting for an apology from OF.

to demonstrate my goodwill, i'd take his below sentence as an intention to apologise.
­ì©«¥Ñ Orange+Fai ©ó 2007-8-18 16:45 µoªí

I admit that my saying to allure maybe impolite, then say Sorry is OK.
yet i do hope to see his proper apology soonest.

brdgs, allure

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-18 18:31 ½s¿è ]

in love with the nature...


to my friends and others

all your supports are wholeheartedly appreciated!

please join me and wait for OF's reply.  thanks a million!

in love with the nature...


­ì©«¥Ñ allure ©ó 2007-8-18 18:24 µoªí

dear happycamel

from a female's point of view.. i'm sorry.. those statements that OF made are very negative to me.  yet, as i said before, i don't want to carry on this meaningless arguement ...
I regret for my lack of sensitivity and failure to consider the matter from a female's point of view.
I hope we all endeavour to refrain from making insinuating remarks.  ³æ¥´will only result in misunderstanding, intended or not.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ happycamel ©ó 2007-8-18 19:48 ½s¿è ]


¦^´_ #72 happycamel ªº©«¤l

In fact, I have a friend who was put in the same predicament.
Luckily the matter was resolved sensibly.


¦^´_ #72 happycamel ªº©«¤l

°e­ºÀ³´ººq­Ú§A ,­ø¦n¾Ç°ÛoÎJ~~~~~

²Ö°«²Ö - ¼B¼wµØ









¦³¤Ü­Ó¦r§Ú喺¹qµø¤J­±¥Ñ²ÓÅ¥¨ì¤j, ¥H«eı±o¦Ñ®M«D±`, ¸g¹L´X¤Q¦~¥ú´º¤§«á, ¨Ì®a¥ý¦Üı±oÊ\¯u«Y¦³­È±o²Ó¨ý嘅¦a¤è :


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µL½×¦p¦ó, ¦A°e¤C­Ó¤j¦r­Ú¦U¦ìºô¤Í :





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