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  • JM168 Åé¤O +12 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2008-2-22 18:43
  • JM168 «Â±æ +12 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2008-2-22 18:43
  • billchan Åé¤O +30 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2008-2-21 13:25
  • billchan «Â±æ +30 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2008-2-21 13:25


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ Avater ©ó 2008-2-21 11:31 µoªí
Good to hear you are happy...

@&)... i didn't try yet, will check how she look like... this one should be also in AM shift... if you have time, you should try to visit them after 2pm... muc ...
The party was with less fun as you were not with us yesterday. Anyway, I think we shall travel together when I retrun from my vacation in early March, OK?


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ Avater ©ó 2008-2-21 11:46 µoªí
No problem... But due to my circumstances, as you all know, I could only join day time and I am even poor than cinderalla, I have to return home at 2000, and take 1 hour to clean up all the smell.. ...
That's OK wor! We departed from HK at around 10:30, and returned to HK by 17:00 yesterday.  Should have more than enough time for you to do so.


­ì©«¥Ñ Avater ©ó 2008-2-21 11:46 µoªí
No problem... But due to my circumstances, as you all know, I could only join day time and I am even poor than cinderalla, I have to return home at 2000, and take 1 hour to clean up all the smell.. ...
Our situation is the same..............! I normally have to be back before 5 o'clock. But yesterday's schedule fit me very well.


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-2-21 11:51 µoªí

That's OK wor! We departed from HK at around 10:30, and returned to HK by 17:00 yesterday.  Should have more than enough time for you to do so.
To be exact --- we gathered at Railway Terminus at SZ at 11:15!


Congrutulations, finally you tried CP good stuff..


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-2-21 11:51 µoªí

That's OK wor! We departed from HK at around 10:30, and returned to HK by 17:00 yesterday.  Should have more than enough time for you to do so.
brother  def_lo :

Still remember the name of the place that Taxi driver recomment to us? I have forgotten about that!


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-2-21 11:54 µoªí

To be exact --- we gathered at Railway Terminus at SZ at 11:15!
To be more exact, should be 11:20!!


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-2-21 11:56 µoªí
brother  def_lo :

Still remember the name of the place that Taxi driver recomment to us? I have forgotten about that!
Swan Lake!!!!!!


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ Avater ©ó 2008-2-21 12:26 µoªí
Don't know if I am wrong... someone post b4 that the place is not good wor... but can't remember the detail...
In fact, the driver didn't really recommend this place. While icheng and I were blowing water, the driver joined in.  We then asked him if he had any recommendation and he said none as he hadn't been to any one of the places before.  We then asked him where the bros from HK dropped off most frequently, and he told us this place!


Nice to hear bros. Icheng and def_lo's adventure.  I am looking forward to joining you next trip after you are back in March.


­ì©«¥Ñ sl886 ©ó 2008-2-21 12:40 µoªí
Nice to hear bros. Icheng and def_lo's adventure.  I am looking forward to joining you next trip after you are back in March.
It's really a pity that you couldn't go with us yesterday.  Long to hear more of your adventure for QQ nui!!!!


Count on me next time.


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-2-21 11:51 µoªí

That's OK wor! We departed from HK at around 10:30, and returned to HK by 17:00 yesterday.  Should have more than enough time for you to do so.
©O­Ó¦æµ{¦n¥¿wow, 攞¤ésick leave­¹­ìµf¾¤­«¦³®É¶¡攞®I±iÂå¥Í¯Èwow. ¤j¤j¥i§_PM ­Ó Mami ¹q¸Ü, ¯u«Y­n¥hDG¸Õ¤U.


Of course! I asked for sick leave yesterday and went there for fun.  Bro, if you have wife then tell her that you're going to work but have to be out of office for a whole-day meeting, and will not be a/v for answer any phone call.  Tell your company that you're sick leave.  Then everything should be fine!


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-2-21 11:13 µoªí
¤@¦V¹ï DG ISO ªA务·P¨ì¿³½ì¡A ¦ý©`¦ó¸ôµ{¤Ó»»»·¡A ¥H­P¦³¤ß¦ÓµL¤O.......... ¦ý¬Q¤Ñ¤@§Ð¦Z¡A ¿Ë¨­»â畧¨ì¯ª国鉄¸ô¹B¿éªº发达©M¤è«K¡A ¦A¥[¤W DG ¦p¦¹¦h¼b¡A ±N¤«©³µì§M¹Cªº½d ...
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§Ú­Óµ§¦W¥s¨D¨ä, ¥u·Q¦b²{¹ê¥Í¬¡¥H¥~ªºªÅ¶¡¸Ì, »´»´ÃPÃP, ¨D¨D¨ä¨äËݹL, ¥H¸Ñ¨Ó¦Û¤é±`¥Í¬¡ªºÀ£¤O!


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨D¨ä ©ó 2008-2-21 12:58 µoªí
§Aªº´å踪´²¤å¤@个¤ñ¤@个ºë±m¡A¤£ª¾¤°¤\时­Ô´å¨ì¥h¯]®ü©O¡H讲¯u¡A¯]®üªº黄业¤£会¤ñDon't ºÞ¦nªº¤F¡]¤k数¡B¤k质¥H¦ÜªA务¡^¡A¦ý¥¦¦³¤@È ...
¨ä¥S, icheng»P²Ó¨Ð¥¿¦³¦¹·N, ¤U¤@¦¸ªº­p¹º¥i¯à¦V«ý¥_¶iµo, ¦ý©dºÞª¢Ãö«Y, ®É¶¡¥²¶·®³±o·Ç, ¥²¶·17:00«e¦^Âk, §_«h................!!


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-2-21 13:02 µoªí

¨ä¥S, icheng»P²Ó¨Ð¥¿¦³¦¹·N, ¤U¤@¦¸ªº­p¹º¥i¯à¦V«ý¥_¶iµo, ¦ý©dºÞª¢Ãö«Y, ®É¶¡¥²¶·®³±o·Ç, ¥²¶·17:00«e¦^Âk, §_«h................!!
§Ú­Óµ§¦W¥s¨D¨ä, ¥u·Q¦b²{¹ê¥Í¬¡¥H¥~ªºªÅ¶¡¸Ì, »´»´ÃPÃP, ¨D¨D¨ä¨äËݹL, ¥H¸Ñ¨Ó¦Û¤é±`¥Í¬¡ªºÀ£¤O!


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-2-21 13:02 µoªí

¨ä¥S, icheng»P²Ó¨Ð¥¿¦³¦¹·N, ¤U¤@¦¸ªº­p¹º¥i¯à¦V«ý¥_¶iµo, ¦ý©dºÞª¢Ãö«Y, ®É¶¡¥²¶·®³±o·Ç, ¥²¶·17:00«e¦^Âk, §_«h................!!
©dºÞª¢¯u«Y¤@ºØµ´¯g, ­n¦n¤p¤ß¥ý±o.


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


thanks bro for the sharing

great to hear MM still provide good services


­ì©«¥Ñ Avater ©ó 2008-2-21 14:41 µoªí
©dºÞª¢... ­ü... ¦³¤S·Ð, µL¤S·Ð°Õ...

ZH is good ar... but not really familar... may be I could join C hing to explore... but totally agree... 5PM is the deadline... haha...




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