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[原創] “精” 盟會 – 獨戰英商 @ City A !!!!!!

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-10-3 09:03 發表

Well, from the other perspective, if we pay to have fun for ourselves and treat the relationships with those girls who serve us as seller Vs customer, then what's the point for us to find the "dea ...
not necessarily.   It is a buyer-customer relationship but if you think her as a sex buddy, then discovering her "Dead point:" would make her high (feel different), then she could give you something different or react stronger or give you more gf feel.   Of course, it is not guarantee.  


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-10-3 09:19 發表

not necessarily.   It is a buyer-customer relationship but if you think her as a sex buddy, then discovering her "Dead point:" would make her high (feel different), then she could give you somethi ...
Yes, that is I want to say: " To reach the Win-Win situation."
Fxking a dead fish is no good!


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-10-2 16:22 發表

forget about YY and DD who is who.  Is DD the one with less screaming/more conservative?  

坐上去做(=L=) : Is it dangerous?  I have never thought of this posture and it is not even on the 18  ...
DD is the one with less screaming/more conservative.  
But her skin is much inferior than another new pussy cat I tried early last month.
This pussy cat is much wilder than the one in British Army .  The seduction in her eye , the sexual dance make you crazy.  Her skin and figure are also quite good.
I have no comment between YY and this new pussy cat as I have not tried YY before.
My next target will be YY there.

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-10-3 10:06 發表

DD is the one with less screaming/more conservative.  
But her skin is much inferior than another new pussy cat I tried early last month.
This pussy cat is much wilder than the one in British Ar ...
in fact, both my friend and I liked DD more..  When she played around her big boobs with soap when riding me on the waterbed , with her sleezy eyes, she was so sexy.  

wa, good job. you tried GDI again...  it seems that you have not reported..   

how is the look and figure of your new-found pussycat in GDI compared to DD?

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-10-3 11:50 編輯 ]


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-10-3 11:48 發表

wa, good job. you tried GDI again...  it seems that you have not reported..   

how is the look and figure of your new-found pussycat in GDI compared to DD?
I am really sorry for not reporting with such new pussycat in GDI as I have been busy during the past few weeks in the office and also with the stock which has already held up my investment!
Anyway, I promise to post this report shortly.
For simplicity, that is the day I went there around 4:30p.m.  YY & DD were either on leave or in night shift.  The manager took me to the beauty selection.  There are over 20 MM (4/5/6) stand in a line for selection but none of them attract me.  Some of them are quite pork chop. The 600 is nothing except the height.
Just before I decide to quit, the new pussycat came in and I took her afterward.
Generally speaking, the new pussycat is better than DD in terms of age, look, figure (large/soft bb), smooth skin.  Her curly hair enhance her wilderness during the sexy dance.
That is it.  The remaining details I shall post it later.

相關搜索目錄: Investment Dance


sign in and say hi~

planning for next trip with your guys


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-10-3 12:07 發表

I am really sorry for not reporting with such new pussycat in GDI as I have been busy during the past few weeks in the office and also with the stock which has already held up my investment!
Anyw ...
So many targets over A City ---- the new pussycat at GDI.  the pussycat at British Army, the new areas such as TDWX and French City ---- how can I manage them all?????

相關搜索目錄: Investment


that's why you got to join all the trip when we are calling... my action several xx hours later and spider's action several days later... and may be def's action several week later... or even my ON action several years later... haha


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-10-8 17:18 發表
that's why you got to join all the trip when we are calling... my action several xx hours later and spider's action several days later... and may be def's action several week later... or even my ON ac ...
hope you could sleep well tonight and not getting too nervous  

Then, you could try doing what our Jes-master doing, 4 times within 2 hrs.. hehe


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-10-8 17:30 發表

hope you could sleep well tonight and not getting too nervous  

Then, you could try doing what our Jes-master doing, 4 times within 2 hrs.. hehe
怕佢曰有所思, 夜有所夢.................. 然后開口夢俾老虎聽到...........然后被淨身成為真太監!




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