Ha ha ......................yes .....................cash is king .........................
I'm ok la ........................有個兜牟 flat , some HK$ & RMB ............cash ........./ 餐廳 d business ....暂时唔錯
ok la .......................the good way is ...............few yrs ago .....already sell all 過氣旗艦野 ......
依家覺得好 relax .............................
NAD , Genelec , PS3 雖然平,但講真禾 like 佢地 ................
anyways ........哩幾
年 met all of you from V V 44 to here ..............
真係要好好保存哩 d 唔係 base on Hifi shopping 層面既友誼 ,
long time ago , 係 V V 44 識既所謂 friends 咩咩啊 sir , 不撚之所謂 .....all of them 剩係識 Hifi shopping / 洗錢高手
係音樂面 , 完全零溝通 , 搞埋d旁門左道咩咩數碼派 buy buy buy ....................成班正牌粉皮 , 其實係音樂盲毛集中營
( may be I'm so 天真啦!今時今日唔講錢唔通講心咩!on 9 Maki ....
講真....感謝您地 .............................................d 1:1 直版復刻
多謝曬 多謝曬
I'm cry b'cos I can't go Tokyo shopping ...........yen too high la ..............
don't think too much .............