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同志們~今天~~ “精” 英同盟會 ! 正式成立啦 !!!

回復 #148 jetspermman 的帖子

Bro Denny2000 should be our leader as he's shared a lot with us.  icheng shot his first cum in DL is due to denny2000's inspiration!!


回復 #150 icheng609 的帖子

Oh, you've finally shown your head la.  Where have you been?  We're having a thorough discussion here this morning!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 13:59 發表
Oh, you've finally shown your head la.  Where have you been?  We're having a thorough discussion here this morning!
I have been away for a fully computerized Karaoke system............... with a 600 GB hard-disk!


3) 仲有一樣野 ! 女女個面上有化妝. 有時佢地面上有眼影, 同埋有些金, 銀, 粉之類既野... 好容易會 stick 係你塊面上 !!!!!!

This point is dam right... I once forgot this point... and found out after I go home... I quickly rush to toilet and wash face...

相關搜索目錄: 化妝


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-15 14:11 發表
3) 仲有一樣野 ! 女女個面上有化妝. 有時佢地面上有眼影, 同埋有些金, 銀, 粉之類既野... 好容易會 stick 係你塊面上 !!!!!!

This point is dam right... I once forgot this point... and found out afte ...
Please prepare the checklist in a more systematic and comprehensive manner for all brothers here as reminder.

相關搜索目錄: 化妝


I can do that but maybe it will release only tonight...
As I have something to handle now... can not write a long text...
I will try my best to do so... and other brothers please add some comments so that we can make our list perfect !


Every brother has board experience in "steal eat"....haha...
I do not need now but may be later....


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 14:43 發表
I can do that but maybe it will release only tonight...
As I have something to handle now... can not write a long text...
I will try my best to do so... and other brothers please add some comment ...
Then that will be your job to compile the SOP......... thanks.


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 06:43 發表
I can do that but maybe it will release only tonight...
As I have something to handle now... can not write a long text...
I will try my best to do so... and other brothers please add some comment ...
Thank you, brother!
We need ur info.


回復 #156 jetspermman 的帖子

Let me start with some points first:-

Preparation before the Trip:
1. Prepare to take leave from work, either Annual Leave or Sick Leave.  If you need a sick leave certificate, then you need to search a doctor who will give you one very loosely.
2. Prepare your tiger that you'll be out of office for a whole day, either attending a very important business meeting with clients or retreat, to make sure that she will not call you at your office.
3. Do some research on your target SN, obtain the contact before leaving.
4. Countercheck the latest train schedule. Now the train should depart from SZ station around once every 30 minutes.
5. If you have the habit of spraying cologne, remember to bring a small bottle of it with you on the day of SN.
6. If you want to have similar smell as the bathing gel that you're using at home, you may bring your own gel and ask the girl to bath you with that.
7. Don't wear any upper garment in light color as the color stick used by the girl may easily be appeared if you've got it on the cloth accidentally when you have any contact with her.

If possible, use another mobile phone different from the one being used by you every day, to call the SN.  Leave that mobile phone in your office, but not your home.

During SN
8. Don't hug the girl before taking off your cloths as this may sting your clothes with the smell of the girl.
9. Happy, have fun, do whatever you want to do, and fxxk as much as you'd.

Finish Happying with the girl
10. Remember to spray the cologne that you've brought with you, if any.
11. Never ever attempt to hug the girl after you've got dressed with similar reason above.
12. Return as scheduled, AND remember to throw away all the train tickets after being used.  NEVER EVER take home with you the name card of the SN!

Before going back home
13. Try to wash away the smell by either doing something that make you sweat or going to somewhere you can be stinged with some stronger smell than bathing gel.
14. Before entering your home, make sure you have nothing from the girl left on your body.

Hey brothers, please see if you have any points to add!

[ 本帖最後由 def_lo 於 2008-4-16 10:04 編輯 ]


Do you think we can bring along with the bathing lotion to the SN that we use at home............. so though with some remaining smell, the tigress won't be able to detect it.


回復 #161 icheng609 的帖子

Well, if you can bring and use your own condom in SN, why can't we bring and use our own gel!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 15:26 發表
Well, if you can bring and use your own condom in SN, why can't we bring and use our own gel!!
So this is vulnerable to be in-corporated in the SOP.


回復 #163 icheng609 的帖子

But that would be better if you cannot wash away the smell of bathing gel provided by SN after doing all the suggested activities.  If your tiger sense the smell of your own bathing gel at home, at least you can explain by saying that there is not much sweating during the day of a whole-day indoor meeting in an air-conditioned room!!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 13:54 發表
Bro Denny2000 should be our leader as he's shared a lot with us.  icheng shot his first cum in DL is due to denny2000's inspiration!!
thanks but I have semi-retired, only steal eat once in a while.  There are many experts here that are more advanced than me, like hkzhou, sigma, etc..  I am only a primary school kid compared to them!!

I want to share with brothers on safety to ensure that they play safe. No one want to get hurt by being discovered.....

Enjoy your trip to CP and other places and the formation of 同盟會!!


原帖由 土方歲三 於 2008-4-15 13:17 發表
matt matt而家轉戰四方
土方 san ~ Really 已經好久好久沒有在天文台道出擊 la!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!




回復 #167 mac_don_lo 的帖子

我嘅提議係最高設防, 為求消除所有風險! 當然各人有各人不同的背景及考慮, 最少一兩樣都唔一定"乃"嘢! 例如英英怕老虎聞到陣味, 但我就冇呢個憂慮!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-16 09:21 發表
我嘅提議係最高設防, 為求消除所有風險! 當然各人有各人不同的背景及考慮, 最少一兩樣都唔一定"乃"嘢! 例如英英怕老虎聞到陣味, 但我就冇呢個憂慮!!
內容的採用因人而異, 可加可減!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 03:21 PM 發表
Let me start with some points first:-

Preparation before the Trip:
1. Prepare to take leave from work, either Annual Leave or Sick Leave.  If you need a sick leave certificate, then you need to ...
May I suggest to throw away the train ticket and name cards etc. which are evidence of where you have been before return.

Have Fun.


回復 #170 aaboy 的帖子

Yes, I missed that point while I was writing.  I've added one more point as well.  Use a mobile different from the one you are using every day to call the SN for booking.  Leave that phone at your office and never ever bring that phone back home!!


One more point to suggest ----

Don't disappoint your tigress when making love with her...........


回復 #172 icheng609 的帖子

呢家嘢有少少難度噃, 尤其是喺sn已經轟咗兩炮!! 你話"don't disappoint your tigress when she wants to make love with you"可能會好啲!


打個招呼又要 going to SZ today~~ Good bye class! See U tomorrow!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


回復 #174 麥迪文 的帖子

咁又順便可以打個炮至返來, hurray!!




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