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同志們~今天~~ “精” 英同盟會 ! 正式成立啦 !!!

回復 #123 麥迪文 的帖子

Matt Matt,

一定work, 我之前兩次的行程都係咁, 不過係由sz出發, 整體時間差不多! item 4-6直頭一模一樣! 去馬啦, 如果可以慳番$190來交差, 仲大把錢食午飯&加多個青衣添!! 但你唔洗食午餐呀?


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-15 12:07 發表
Def_lo... 你想靠害? he will be dead if his tiger pick him up...

Don't ask your tiger to pick you up in the Hunghom station... your body should be full of the smell from SN...

You better walk ...
Thanks 英英!

Last time in 廣州 East Station, the gate closed 10 minutes before. I was 3 minutes late so needed to take the next one ~~~~~
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


回復 #124 Retav 的帖子

Just a suggestion indeed, and it all depends on whether his tiger's nose is sensitive or not.  If his tiger's noseis as sensitive as your tiger's, then of course don't take any risk to do it.  But for my tiger, that will be pretty OK to do it!  You know, sometimes I even go to ma lam after work and go back home for dinner without having my tiger to notice any trace!!


回復 #127 麥迪文 的帖子

Sure, the control for through-train is even more stringent!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 12:08 發表
Matt Matt,

一定work, 我之前兩次的行程都係咁, 不過係由sz出發, 整體時間差不多! item 4-6直頭一模一樣! 去馬啦, 如果可以慳番$190來交差, 仲大把錢食午飯&加多個青衣添!! 但你唔洗食午餐呀?
午餐係廣州 before 12:00 Starbuck 食, save more time in CP!

應該可以慳番$190 purchasing one ticket. But should destory all ticket recipts when arriving Hung hom!

[ 本帖最後由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-15 12:15 編輯 ]
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


我同意公公既說法, 做完成日野個身冇理由會香既, 同埋小心囡囡D頭髮, 千其唔好帶埋番屋企. 死硬架. 所以係SN穿好衫就唔會再摸囡囡, 返到屋企Lift度都整亂個頭同衫, 好似好Tried咁.



Good Plan~~~


回復 #130 麥迪文 的帖子

Matt, you should destroy them every time right after you leave the train station in CP or SZ.  You can just leave it in the bin right in front of the exit gate.  Don't leave the tickets in your pocket till you arrive at Hunghom as you may forget to dispose them after leaving them in your pocket for a period of time!!

[ 本帖最後由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 12:18 編輯 ]





原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-4-15 12:15 發表
我同意公公既說法, 做完成日野個身冇理由會香既, 同埋小心囡囡D頭髮, 千其唔好帶埋番屋企. 死硬架. 所以係SN穿好衫就唔會再摸囡囡, 返到屋企Lift度都整亂個頭同衫, 好似好Tried咁.
I always "steal jump" then 歸家停在 home 大門外面仔細檢查 ~~~
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


seems that many brothers need to take care tiger.

for my last trip, take bus to Sheung Shui at 10:45am and arrive at Lowu around 11:45.  Take the train at 12:11 and arrive at CP at 12:35.  Get in the van provided by sn and arrive before 1pm.  Finish everything at 3:15pm.  Take the car to trainin station and leave CP at 3:55.  Arrive at SZ at 4:20.
Arrive at home around 5:30 pm.


回復 #136 alb 的帖子

Bros, you see.  That schedule works very well indeed!! Matt, go and have your first and second shot in CP!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 12:17 發表
Matt, you should destroy them every time right after you leave the train station in CP or SZ.  You can just leave it in the bin right in front of the exit gate.  Don't leave the tickets in your poc ...
Yes ~~~ especially still 回想 d wonderful experience just had!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 12:19 發表
Bros, you see.  That schedule works very well indeed!! Matt, go and have your first and second shot in CP!!
Yes. 首戰cp,去邊間好? Anyone has good recommendation, PM me the address and name please!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


"Don't scare of ten thousand but scare of ten thousand one"

Ma Lam won't wash your body head to toe... SN does... It is lucky my main field change to a lighter smell... the SN in Muilam instead use a pretty strong smell one... (which I actual buy it and use it in my home afterward)...

But the strongest one is in D1 in Macau... you really feel that you are a star in the advertisement... the smell is all over you body...
My male friend who like to gamble instead of SN could smell it out when we meet in Mr. Ho's casino after 30 mins


回復 #140 Retav 的帖子

Agreed.  Those measures work me to handle my tiger do not necessarily work for others!! Play safe and be more careful, pals!!


matt matt,



原帖由 yuppy 於 2008-4-15 12:38 發表
matt matt,

Good idea! 回家 taxi 到山腳, 自己跑上去 or 跑樓梯上去 instead of taking lift!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


matt matt而家轉戰四方


兄弟們 !!! 定o的來 !!
唔好慌 !!!
來 !! 我地理性o的再去整理下要注意既事項:

1) 最主要係睇個時間, 時間一定要安排得好. 預留一, 二 班車既時間.
同埋一定要有 plan B:
Question: 如果火車有事... 無限期晚點... 咁點搞 ?
Ans: 唔緊要.. 2 百蚊人仔 ~ 的士常平去深圳囉 ! 不過時間要差不多一個小時.

2) 氣味問題, 一定要小心 ! 我都試過 ! 去到屋企樓下, 我自己都覺得仲有陣味... 好簡單 jei... 搵間大煙機舖, 坐 15 分鐘, 或者搵個地方 跑圈, 10 分鐘... 出身汗... 咩都搞掂啦 !! 不過冬天要留意 ! 氣味係比較難散... 同埋你會比較難出汗...

3) 仲有一樣野 ! 女女個面上有化妝. 有時佢地面上有眼影, 同埋有些金, 銀, 粉之類既野... 好容易會 stick 係你塊面上 !!!!!!
做完之後... 記得記得 !! 洗面洗面 !!!!!!!!!!!

4) 人民幣呀... coupon 呀...火車票呀... 卡片呀... 電話記錄呀...
唔洗我講... 你地都知點做啦 !!!!  全部無得留低 !!!!!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 13:28 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 化妝


老麥 ~!
比個 email add. 我啦 ! (pm me)
我 mail 個 list 比你...
有常平-深圳火車時間表 同 常平各大 sn booking no.  

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 13:34 編輯 ]


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 13:25 發表
兄弟們 !!! 定o的來 !!
唔好慌 !!!
來 !! 我地理性o的再去整理下要注意既事項:

人民幣呀... coupon 呀...火車票呀... 卡片呀... 電話記錄呀唔洗我講... 你地都知點做啦 !!!!  全部無得留低 !!!!!!!!香港討論區
just in case if you are not aware,

1) the ring tone is different when you are in China.  For those who have not subsribed the "HK" ring tone, pls take care.
2) the voicebox is not functioning. if you are in china and someone calls you and you do not pick up the phone, the call will not be forwarded to your voicebox.  You have to pay extra for this service.
3) if your outgoing call has not been disabled with "no display", then your receiver will know that you are calling from China or overseas.
4) if you apply for annual leave to steal eat, remember that your tiger may call to your office.   Remember to tell your assistant/secretary what should be said instead...  

Ladies' 6th sense is strong.   Always take extra caution. In fact, many brothers would have 200% preparation in their 1st 2-3 steal eat, but get a bit relaxed afterwards.  Always treat every "eat" with care..  Accidents happen when you are not careful...  ENJOY....


Brother Denny2000... you want to join our organisation ?
As you are always constructive and creative !
This is my sincere invitaiton !
If you join us, we are 11 in total !
and we can be a team of "winning eleven" !
And I will set a formation of our team !  (4-4-2)

How many brother here play that game in PS3/PSP ?
We can also have a friendly match during the trip in the train from SZ to CP !
hahahahahahha !  

I agree that we need to treat every "steal jump" like your first one...
and prepare back up for yourself before taking any action !

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 13:50 編輯 ]


回復 #146 jetspermman 的帖子

咁嘅好料, 冇理由我冇呀嗎! 你上次淨係得時間表咋!!


Based on the above information, we can compile a SOP --- "Standard Operation Procedure" for the Steal Jump..............!




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