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[上樓骨] 我想造訪的USB

原帖由 已婚男仕2008 於 2008-12-2 15:17 發表
Tried Wah Fung 阿賢 few months ago, her bone skill is ok n her look is fine, she really doesn't need to rebuild her breast at all...

As a bone lover, I always choose the one with 全套免問 which usu ...
Thanks for the advise.

By the way, is Ah May fat or slim? and I guess she is still working in SSP (haven't call her yet)?


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http://www.sex141.com/big5/viewi ...type=2&keyword=
http://www.sex141.com/big5/viewi ... type=2&keyword=

[ 本帖最後由 SCK1969 於 2008-12-2 16:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 已婚男仕2008 於 2008-12-2 15:30 發表
she is slim, her body is very ok for her age and I just visited her yesterday.
Thanks Ching









著住四骨絲襪造愛, 極盡官能刺激享受!


原帖由 madinhj 於 2008-12-3 00:54 發表


今次醒目約佢加鐘做兩粒鐘,嘩,踩背真係正,恕 ...
Thanks for the report.

嘩, 好似好正禾, 等我book佢試吓先.


原帖由 foolishguy 於 2008-12-3 01:29 發表

Thanks for the report.

嘩, 好似好正禾, 等我book佢試吓先.
Remember to give report after you try wor!
著住四骨絲襪造愛, 極盡官能刺激享受!


原帖由 SCK1969 於 2008-12-2 08:23 發表
http://www.sex141.com/big5/viewi ...type=2&keyword=
http://www.sex141.com/big5/viewi ... type=2&keyword=
著住四骨絲襪造愛, 極盡官能刺激享受!


Finally tried HB Dau dau, she looks very nice, with big and sexy eyes .  Many C-hing said she looks like actress but I can't tell.  
Good dup skills, I was stupid to take the $450 for 90 minutes dup with HJ but no BM.  I enjoyed the process but must try BM next time.  Again, no full meal...


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2008-12-3 19:16 發表
Finally tried HB Dau dau, she looks very nice, with big and sexy eyes .  Many C-hing said she looks like actress but I can't tell.  
Good dup skills, I was stupid to take the $450 for 90 minutes dup  ...
同意 hb 豆豆真係好靚, 應該係我見過最靚嘅 usb.


CHing 們, 4 朶金花我衹找過7H3, 可否告知小弟其他3 位的Tel no.



回復 709# 的帖子

thanks 打到細佬抽筋 report!!

wanna try!


原帖由 jimsi 於 2008-12-3 15:16 發表
thanks 打到細佬抽筋 report!!

wanna try!
著住四骨絲襪造愛, 極盡官能刺激享受!


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2008-12-3 19:16 發表 Finally tried HB Dau dau, she looks very nice, with big and sexy eyes .  Many C-hing said she looks like actress but I can't tell.  Good dup skills, I was stupid to take the $450 for 90 minutes dup  ...



原帖由 SCK1969 於 2008-12-4 01:53 發表


Maybe $400 BM is only 60 mins wor.  Any bro can verify please?
著住四骨絲襪造愛, 極盡官能刺激享受!


原帖由 madinhj 於 2008-12-4 11:01 發表

Maybe $400 BM is only 60 mins wor.  Any bro can verify please?
I tried her before.  Yes, $400 BM for 60 mins.  For the one who is looking for pretty USB, she is worthy to try.  


HK$ 300 DUP+HJ
HK$ 400 DUP+BM
HK$ 500 DUP+香薰推淋巴 (90分鐘)
Sorry I took $500 plan, no BM, it is the reason I said I regret
Compare w/ 7H3 she is more seductive, and professional(well could be commercial)

相關搜索目錄: 香薰


又想試下13k2阿賢,但係無左adv,有無ching 可以pm電話給我,謝。


我都想試下13k2阿賢,有無ching 可以pm電話給我,謝謝!!


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2008-12-4 11:31 發表
HK$ 300 DUP+HJ
HK$ 400 DUP+BM
HK$ 500 DUP+香薰推淋巴 (90分鐘)
Sorry I took $500 plan, no BM, it is the reason I said I regret
Compare w/ 7H3 she is more seductive, and professional(well could  ...
Ching, can you pm 豆豆's  telephone no. to me? Thanks.

相關搜索目錄: 香薰


原帖由 foolishguy 於 2008-12-3 19:53 發表

同意 hb 豆豆真係好靚, 應該係我見過最靚嘅 usb.
Is hb = TST香X ?

Can't find her ad @ 1X1...


Wish to thank Brother Yuyuau for giving me the numbers I requested.

After spending some time to read this thread, I have decided that Yuki would be my no.1 target.  So, upon obtaining her number, I immediately phoned her to book a time (8:00 p.m. the following night).

Before I report what happened after I got in (which would be quite brief), I wanted to say something which happened before that.  I arrived at Yuki’s door at 8:00 p.m. sharp.  I immediately noticed that she’s busy and had a post-it paper marked “8:30”.  I was like, what the hell, didn’t I book 8:00 p.m. already?  While I was thinking what to do, Yuki probably saw me standing outside like a dumbass and opened the door.  She said sorry as she had a customer in the room.  And since my number from call-display starts with a “2” not “9”, she dared not call me back to confirm whether I would show up.  So, she had just accepted another booking starting at 8:30 p.m.   OMG.  I was like, how could she treat my booking like that?  I’m a devoted fan of Jordan Ah May.  Ah May would certainly not do this to her customer, not even to a new customer.  But oh well.  Anyway, she did apologize and said the next available time slot would be 9:40 p.m.  Since I had the whole evening with me, I reluctantly agreed to wait till 9:40…

As I had more than 1.5 hours to kill and I already had dinner, I originally intended to pay a visit to my favourite 141 gal in TST first.  But when I got there, she was not in her “office” at all.  Damn. Could I be that unlucky??  With this much time left, I went on to 洗樓.  I also got back to Wah Fung to洗樓.

Actually, I haven’t been to Wah Fung for years since Ah May had moved to Ko Kay.  To be honest, I was quite disappointed with the overall quality of gals in Wah Fung.  Most of the available gals have an “uneatable C9” look.  With such appearance, I wouldn’t even bother receiving HJ services from them.  Only the 4I corridor house some younger good-looking gals.

As for 13K2 and 7H3, since they were busy, I didn’t get to have a look at them.  As for Coco, I got to see her because another brother rang her bell and then got in.  Coco’s outlook is okay and she is very busty.

Finally, it’s time.  Yuki’s appearance is average, but still better than some of the uneatable C9 in the same building.  Her boob size is pretty small and once the bra is taken off, the shape isn’t attractive either.  Anyway, she kept saying sorry to me while hugging me and grabbing my dick.  By then, my rage had already died down, so as long as she expressed her guilt, I was okay with it.  

I then stripped and went to the bathroom.  Before I made my move, she asked me to stop and wait.  I didn’t know why at first.  But I later realized that she wanted to take the lead so she could turn back and grab my dick as we walk into the bathroom. Hehe ( I remember reading this from the report posted in this thread!)

Her bathing action is quick and thorough.  USBs I had visited in the past do not offer bathing together.  So, I kinda like this arrangement.

Off to Part I now, I am not a bone expert so I will not say too much here.  But overall, the feeling is good and I appreciate her effort.

As to Part II (I chose the BM meal), her BM is something I’ve never had before.  She does BM (with baby oil) and RPP at the same time.  The feeling was great.  Her HJ skill, to me, is just average with quick usual up-and-down strokes.  For some unknown reason, it took me quite a long time to ejaculate.  Yuki said I was quite long-lasting.  Normally, though, I am a quick shooter.

Overall, her service is excellent and I will likely re-visit.  But before that, I may go and try the other 3 “flowers” first.


原帖由 love_raptor 於 2008-12-4 18:01 發表
Wish to thank Brother Yuyuau for giving me the numbers I requested.

After spending some time to read this thread, I have decided that Yuki would be my no.1 target.  So, upon obtaining her number, I ...
what a detailed and comprehensive report!!


Thank you for your report though feel sad to your experience for almost the whole night...


原帖由 love_raptor 於 2008-12-4 10:01 發表
Wish to thank Brother Yuyuau for giving me the numbers I requested.

After spending some time to read this thread, I have decided that Yuki would be my no.1 target.  So, upon obtaining her number, I ...
Feel sorry about your "waiting and waiting" experience.  However, it seemed that you did enjoy her.  Then visit again and you will feel better next time!
著住四骨絲襪造愛, 極盡官能刺激享受!




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