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同志們~今天~~ “精” 英同盟會 ! 正式成立啦 !!!

icheng 重去過梅林..............


No la... Tigers are so clever... when our dick point to right or left, they already know what we are up to...

Just that... those so deepsink c hing's action really help my tiger a lot...

May be that c hing just want to prove to his ship that he didn't go out for SE... but his ship taught my tiger there is still a jungle outside and there is a online tourist guide for my tiger to walk through the jungle...

If I didn't do anything or build the tower before... my tiger could easily smell out my path all the way...

All I could do is build the tower even stronger and use more english wording in my comment and report...

To icheng... I am not "Old Seafood", My Age in the wonderland is not really older than many c hing here... I am pretty much like what you did right now, when I start exploring the wondering few years ago... I just try as many new place when there is chance...

Good luck la


回復 #76 icheng609 的帖子

梅林好似都算係深圳一部份呀! 如果咁都計 .... 我都去過旺角, 深水埗, 佐敦, 北角, 油麻地, ...... 哈哈!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-14 15:50 發表
No la... Tigers are so clever... when our dick point to right or left, they already know what we are up to...

Just that... those so deepsink c hing's action really help my tiger a lot...

Ma ...
But to me, your knowledge of the wonderland has proven to be so rich and you are already an "Experienced Chicken Worm"..............


回復 #79 icheng609 的帖子

Yes, "old seafood" doesn't mean he is really old.  It should be measured in terms of experience!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-14 15:52 發表
梅林好似都算係深圳一部份呀! 如果咁都計 .... 我都去過旺角, 深水埗, 佐敦, 北角, 油麻地, ...... 哈哈!
OIC........... 所以我真係 "井底蛙"......... 連咁都攪唔清楚


To def_lo,
If that's the case, the CP should be divided to HM, HW, KY, KL... haha... dam... I am getting super confuse...

To icheng,
It just happen that I did something many newbie didn't do nowaday, which is... search the web before taking action...
Many newbie nowaday will just ask...
Also, I started my experience before I got married, and at that time.. gf (who is my tiger now) didn't set up the lock so tight... I could have more free time to explore the wonderland...

Right now... I am just living in the Zoo (it is another wonderland in another angle)... and just sneak out for fun sometimes...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-14 16:13 發表
To def_lo,
If that's the case, the CP should be divided to HM, HW, KY, KL... haha... dam... I am getting super confuse...

To icheng,
It just happen that I did something many newbie didn't do  ...
Anyway, no matter what your history is, you still are one of our good cum brothers.

BTW, we are still waiting for def_lo to blow the chicken, right?


Yes... we all waiting def_lo to go and give us a report !!

Def_lo !!   
take the sniper down and come back with a detail report !!!
gogogo !!!!!


回復 #83 icheng609 的帖子

Then you have to first give me a "chicken" to blow.  What I have is a "whistle"!!


My be his Tiger is so angry (or hungry) recently, so he can't come out...


What I did, usually, is that I just say some reasons and I need to leave for more than 6 hours... and then I can go to "steal jump" ... !!

you may ask:

well... what is those reasons ?
I can't tell you here infront of the public ! But I am happy to PM you individually...

is it work ?
it depends on your situation, once you know that kind of reasons or "excuse", just change it a little bit and match your background... that's it !

of course... don't use it too frequently ... or you will be spot !!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-14 16:39 編輯 ]


Right... I build up the tower for Sat action... but i won't use it every Sat... it is too dangerous...

And I don't have to say excuse if I really deciden to have an action in weekday...


回復 #86 Retav 的帖子

No la!! There's nothing happened in my zoo recently.  I was just too busy with my work, and now everything should have been settled on last Friday.  The reason why I didn't go on last Saturday is because physically I was too tired.  I'm now ready to go!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-14 16:35 發表
What I did, usually, is that I just say some reasons and I need to leave for more than 6 hours... and then I can go to "steal jump" ... !!

you may ask:

well... what is those reason ...
总之八仙過海, 各施各法............. 可以达到目的就得啦!


其實... 我有一個想法......
搵一樣活動... 老虎一定唔鐘意玩既......
例如釣魚呀...入馬場賭馬呀....打機呀..... 咁樣.....

然後我地同盟會 (或者自己搵朋友) ... 搞一次呢o的活動....
老虎要來既... 唔緊要..... 叫埋佢來......
悶死佢 ~~~~~~!!!!

以後一想 steal jump 既.....
就話有活動..... 嘻嘻.........!!

相關搜索目錄: 釣魚


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-14 16:52 發表
其實... 我有一個想法......
搵一樣活動... 老虎一定唔鐘意玩既......
例如釣魚呀...入馬場賭馬呀....打機呀..... 咁樣.....

然後我地同盟會 (或者自己搵朋友) ... 搞一次呢o的活動....
老虎要來既... 唔緊 ...
其實我有2個老虎唔玩既活動..... 嘻嘻.........攀石 and Gym!

Both I don't need to answer phone!

I am not 在照片上~~

[ 本帖最後由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-14 17:02 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Gym 釣魚
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


回復 #92 麥迪文 的帖子



原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-14 16:59 發表
凡事都有个開始........... 但這兩項都可以留港消費! 不如話到大陸揾羽毛球或者乒乓球教練, 比較可行。


回復 #94 icheng609 的帖子



原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-14 16:59 發表
唉  ~~~!!
咪而家開始玩囉 ~~~~~~!!!!

拿.... 結左婚..... 唔多唔少會肥既 !!
你就話想 keep fit ...唔想第日有糖尿病... 心臟病....
然後就 join 個咩 colofirnia club......

佢要去既.... 同佢去一次.....
玩跑步機 !! 跑到佢累到企唔到起身...!!!!
下次佢再來既... 直頭同佢打 kick boxing... !!!!

"下次仲來唔來呀 ???"
"最多下次我早些做完 gym 返來同你食飯好冇 ??"

以後每個星期六, 日.....
識做啦.... 豆腐佬.....!!!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-14 17:10 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Gym


calling matt matt...
比多些 information 我地呀.... ^_^

做 gym 一個月平均消費幾多 ?
有冇 locker ???
lokcer 係唔係更衣室入邊 ???

相關搜索目錄: Gym


回復 #96 jetspermman 的帖子

我上個禮拜報咗郭富成嗰間野啦!! 但做gym都係2-3個鐘, 去成5-6個鐘一轉cp都係有啲難度呀!!

相關搜索目錄: Gym


回復 #97 jetspermman 的帖子

最平$175一個月, 比12個月, 然後正價$350, 比多兩個月: 總共和$2800, 信用卡分期12個月, 每個月$234, 共$2808. 送多半個月!

Locker inside changing room.  There are sauna inside changing room as well!

[ 本帖最後由 def_lo 於 2008-4-14 17:26 編輯 ]


"Locker inside changing room.  There are sauna inside changing room as well!"

???? Is there MM inside the Sauna... if yes.. then perfect... haha

For me... my tiger know my job and nature... that's why I have no problem on day time action... but for the same reason, I can't play overnite action...




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