Originally posted by cherryjasonchan at 2007-8-20 20:52
It is really a very good news that China allow her "small" investors to invest in other markets and the first trial will be in HK. This is actually more effective than the QDII product pr ...
I am back, just back to HK, and seen the market dramactically V shape on last friday, and rebound another 1200 pts today. That is very good.
I did place an order to 2628 and 1800 before I left HK; both got filled with good price. I did not believe it could be filled.
Dow is now still down 65 pts, don't know what will happen later tonight, hopefully get bound back.
For the technical line, it can not really tell what is going on in HK. HK does affect by global factors.
Can also be affected by China as well.
I can see small investor can do trade in HK through BOC in HK which is another proved China govt doesn't want to see HK collpase. She will find a way to save HK; from 1997 till now whenver HK got problem.
I still strongly believe HK market still good later. No matter who are talking about bear market coming, it maybe in US, but can not crash HK market easily.
Unless such as carry trade or big investment banks got problem. If only US internal depression, it won't really hurt HK much.
As said, China won't let HK crash, it is all about the facts. QDII, and now small investors invest to HK directly. Could be more and more benefits to HK if necessary.
Hope HSI keep moving up this week since it dropped 4000 pts from peak. Rebound is so powerful like today