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Wine lovers! pls come in!!

原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-6-29 15:27 發表
想請教下各位前輩, 買紅酒櫃有乜好介紹? 同埋有乜嘢要注意?
hi 資深球迷2世


1.  如果純粹放下日常飲o既酒, 咩牌子基本上都ok, 唯一係要極極極極極極少震動, 否則你o的酒一定報銷

2.  如果真係諗住自己o係屋企long term cellar, 咁就要買好少少o既牌子, 好似transthermo等比較大廠出品會好o的.  仲有千祈唔好用玻璃門, 因為要減低光線o既影響.  更重要係千祈千祈千祈唔好心癢癢手多多, 得閒就開門拎o的酒出黎睇下, 否則用乜櫃都死

3.  不過如果只係日常餐酒又唔係咩貴o野o既話, 唔用都ok

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒


原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-6-29 15:27 發表
想請教下各位前輩, 買紅酒櫃有乜好介紹? 同埋有乜洐n注意?
For what it’s worth, here’s my 2 cents:

I have 2 “cellars”:

Electrolux (non-glass solid door, about $23K, 5~6 years ago):
- No motor, no compressor, therefore no vibration (Put hand on side – can’t feel a thing).
- Temp range measured (with wireless device) a steady 14.2 – 14.4 degrees.
- During 5~6 years, it stopped working once (after ~4 years), called dealer, he said just turn it off 24-36 hours and try it, and it was okay. During shut-sown temp slowly went up and maintained about 18 degrees with cold wines inside. Dealer said possible causes are – cooling liquid frozen or, trapped air bubble.
- Overall I am happy with it, I would buy it again HOWEVER its prices have gone up like crazy.

NordingCave (glass door, bout $12K, 1~2 years ago)
- It has motor, compressor (Put hand on side – upper part can’t feel vibration but not sure. Lower part YES can feel some vibration – I do worry about this but no proof of wine damage so far.)
- Temp range measured (with wireless device) 13.7 – 14.7.  I wonder if the wines can feel this 1 degree swing. (Personally my body can feel a difference between 25 and 26 degrees!)  
- Would I buy it again – Yes, BUT ONLY for short term storage, like 2 weeks.

Hope others would share their experience also.

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒 Wine


多謝兩位前輩賜教, 但多口一問, 剛剛看電視時, 見新 x 基隨樓附送的紅酒櫃是 Eurocave, 此牌子是否貴嘢?

[ 本帖最後由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-7-1 09:03 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒


原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-7-1 09:01 發表
多謝兩位前輩賜教, 但多口一問, 剛剛看電視時, 見新 x 基隨樓附送的紅酒櫃是 Eurocave, 此牌子是否貴嘢?
Yes, Eurocave 是貴嘢.

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒


one of the best one,
i use Vintech, ok la


Eurocave is definitely better




原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-7-2 19:40 發表
Kindly tell how Transtherm is 好好多 ? as comapared with Eurocave and Vintect ?

I am considering buying a Transtherm too.


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-7-2 19:40 發表
oh yes, i mix up both, transtherm is very expensive,
i saw it in Prince Building before...seems, 30 bottle size needs about 6000? forget la.


原帖由 parklane 於 2007-3-30 09:33 發表

Please please please, do not call me Master.  I am just one of the many many wine lovers here.

Yes 2003 is in the market now and many of them are very tasty even at such young stage.  I trie ...
2003 wine are best value... vintage 2000 are best in a long time. 2005's prices are skyrocket.  So, 2003 are best value.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


In fact, these are pretty good non-1st growth good French Bordeaux from 2003 according to several major reviewers:

Producer:          Chateau l'Angelus
Region:         France - Bordeaux - St Emilion
Quality:         Premier Grand Cru Classe B
Color:         Red
Type:         Still
International Wine Cellar:         92
International Wine Cellar:         91-93
International Wine Cellar:         90-93
Drink Dates
Vinfolio:         2009-2022

Producer:          Chateau Leoville Barton
Varietal:         Bordeaux Blend
Region:         France - Bordeaux - St Julien
Quality:         Second Growth
Color:         Red
Type:         Still
International Wine Cellar:         93
International Wine Cellar:         91-94
Drink Dates
Vinfolio:         2010-2031

Producer:          Chateau Leoville Poyferre
Varietal:         Bordeaux Blend
Region:         France - Bordeaux - St Julien
Quality:         Second Growth
Color:         Red
Type:         Still
International Wine Cellar:         92
International Wine Cellar:         91-93
International Wine Cellar:         91-94
Drink Dates
Vinfolio:         2008-2023

相關搜索目錄: Wine


回復 #178 winwinwinarm 的帖子

1996 is a peculiar wine year for the French Bordeaux region...
It is one year that most 1996 wine in that region are so-so. But, the !996 Chateaux Lafiitte Rothschild is rated tops better than many 1995 greats and just a shade less than the greats of 2000 vintage.

These need to wait until at least 2010 to start enjoying....

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-7-2 23:29 發表

Kindly tell how Transtherm is 好好多 ? as comapared with Eurocave and Vintect ?

I am considering buying a Transtherm too.


據我的酒友講, transtherm之所以咁貴, 係佢o既設計完全係俾你一個"perfect condition for long term cellaring".  即係恆溫恆濕防震等等都係optimal level.
如果有機會可以去sogo 9 定10樓, 有信興個show room, 有transtherm 同vintec 係度可以比較.  淨睇鋼水都會見transtherm係勁d

不過又咁, 我自己覺得如果唔係真係自己cellaring (講緊起碼10年以上), 咁用乜都無乜大所謂.  parklane兄好耐之前提過大陸隻"海爾"其實都ok, 不過我搵黎搵去都搵唔到佢曾經提及o係灣仔o既showroom, 所以無緣了解


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-7-3 08:25 PM 發表


據我的酒友講, transtherm之所以咁貴, 係佢o既設計完全係俾你一個"perfect condition for long term cellaring".  即係恆溫恆濕防震等等都係optimal level.
如果有機會可以去sogo 9 ...
There used to be a Haier showroom in Ocean Centre (somewhere next to Chung Yuen?????).  My friend bought one, and it wasn't very good as it gives out funny noises.

However, Haier is the world's (or US) best selling whitegoods and there must be a reason, although price is definitely one of them.


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-7-3 20:25 發表


據我的酒友講, transtherm之所以咁貴, 係佢o既設計完全係俾你一個"perfect condition for long term cellaring".  即係恆溫恆濕防震等等都係optimal level.
如果有機會可以去sogo 9 ...
係干落道, 灣仔運動場對面

相關搜索目錄: 運動


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-4 00:19 發表

There used to be a Haier showroom in Ocean Centre (somewhere next to Chung Yuen?????).  My friend bought one, and it wasn't very good as it gives out funny noises.

However, Haier is the wo ...
Other than price, i cannot find a reason to buy it.  It is best selling Electric Compliance, the reason should be it is the earlist Chinese brand providing for Chinese international consumption...I think


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-7-3 16:34 發表

係干落道, 灣仔運動場對面
Yes, next to Tom Li Piano.  It is not on the groundlevel but upstair.
What they told me is Haier bought the production line from a German brand years ago so the core of it is designed elsewhere.  I have one and so far it is OK and I will tell the same story why I bought in the first place.  I walked into the showroom in Wanchai, saw the owner stored Petrus, Lafite etc in the Haier cellar and I think if he feel comfortable with it, why shouldn't I.  Price is only one third of famous brand.  The only prblem I have with them is the appearance.  It looks ugly if you put it in your dining room.  But if you put it in the kitchen, it is OK.

Another choice I would recommend is a shop in the Admiralty Center.  They carried Liebraumn (not sure about the spelling).  Very presentable and durable.  I've been using it for many years now.  Quite expensive, around 16,000-18000 for 100 bottles storeage.  Many of my friends bought it already and so far no one complaint.

相關搜索目錄: Piano 運動


原帖由 q2u 於 2007-7-3 08:34 發表
In fact, these are pretty good non-1st growth good French Bordeaux from 2003 according to several major reviewers:

Producer:          Chateau l'Angelus
Region:         France - Bordeaux - St Emilion
Quali ...
Price for leoville poyferre has gone up substantially.  Future price was about 600 all in and now retail price is 1800.  But there4 are still some very good value 03 such as Dilhart Milon and La tour Carnet.  Buy and taste it if you see any


原帖由 parklane 於 2007-7-4 11:47 發表

Yes, next to Tom Li Piano.  It is not on the groundlevel but upstair.
What they told me is Haier bought the production line from a German brand years ago so the core of it is designed elsewher ...
謝謝各位 Big Brothers, on your wine cellars comments.


相關搜索目錄: Piano Wine


Mr Parklane,
we beg on your attendancy on our gathering and it would be my honour to meet u.


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-7-4 12:36 發表
Mr Parklane,
we beg on your attendancy on our gathering and it would be my honour to meet u.
Please let me know the date and I'll see if I can make it.  I am in and out of HK frequently lately.


多謝各位前輩指教~~ 好有參考價值


原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-7-5 16:58 發表
多謝各位前輩指教~~ 好有參考價值
just exhange experience and mistakes..


原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-7-5 16:58 發表
多謝各位前輩指教~~ 好有參考價值
tell us more about your tasting notes and share your experience la.


哈哈, 小弟的所謂品酒經驗, 實在不足道也, 獻醜不如藏拙




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